Can you believe it is the last day of 2018? What a year this was! It was a full and eventful year for both Christy and me for sure. Much as I crave simplicity and quiet, I am pretty sure 2019 will bring more of the same! What matters most is that all of you continue to come along with us for the ride, we appreciate each and every one of you. Today I thought we’d look back at our top posts of 2018, which is always fun to do, just in case you missed anything important ?.
In the past, we’ve written about our top posts for the year according to google analytics which tells us all sorts of statistical details, but mostly what get the most views each year. This is often driven by things like SEO (search engines) and Pinterest algorithms so instead of rehashing our interest-specific posts (like how to hang silver platters or remove a large bathroom mirror) that have been lurking around google for years, today I am sharing the most popular posts that we created in 2018 so they are fresh and relevant. I thought that would be much more interesting!
Also, at the end, I’ll write a bit about what to expect from us in 2019 and we’d love to get your thoughts on what you like and what you don’t like, so if you could please take a moment to share we would be grateful!
#10 Amy’s New Home (Completed)
The first (or # 8, 9 and 10) of our top ten posts related to the construction and completion of my (Amy’s) new home. That definitely warmed my heart, since building process and moving twice was a little painful and overwhelming, but well worth it in the end. We are so happy to be settled in our new home! So you can catch up, posts #8 and #9 have the background on why we moved and to where.
#9. So We Moved and are Building a New House
#8 All About Our New Lot & Floorplan
I was happy to see this post on our Trip to the Biltmore in our top 10 since it was definitely the highlight of our blogging year! In October Christy and I had the opportunity to travel to the incredible Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC along with the Balsam Hill company to help launch their collaboration line of holiday decor, Biltmore by Balsam Hill.
#6 Summer Tour at the MCC House
Christy’s MCC House was the decor darling of 2018, both the summer tour and the spring home tour (that one is #2) when we join with 30 other bloggers to share seasonal decor made the top ten, the Summer Home Tour was our #6 most read post of the year.
#5 Fall Tour at Amy’s New Home
My new house got its tour debut for the fall version of the same home tour in September of 2018. We probably still had boxes hidden in the photos but we managed to pull it together and show off some of the rooms in this Fall Home Tour post.
Coming in at #4 is a DIY post about the Do’s & Don’ts of Painting Cabinets. This project was done at our former home, but I blogged about my best tips as part of our partnership with the HomeRight company in February of this year. If you are thinking about painting your cabinets (kitchen or bathroom) this post is a great resource.
#3 Holiday Home Tour at Christy’s MCC House
Even though this post just ran in early December, it came in at #3 this year because everyone loves holiday decor. Christy’s Holiday Home Tour kicked off our annual holiday tour of homes and the #MCC cottage was at its finest all decked out for the holidays.
#2 Spring Home Tour at Christy’s Cottage
As I mentioned the #MCC house returned again in our second most read post with spring decorations as part of the Tour of Homes we participate in each season. It is always fun to see the same space with a new spin for each season.
And finally, drumroll….our number 1 post of 2018 was one of my very favorites too–the Stuff We Love post–or our “Favorite Things of 2018” post all about the things that topped our list of favorites that we wanted to share with you all. Just like Oprah’s Favorite Things, blogger style, Christy and I both shared our picks as we do each year. Hopefully, you found some fun things to add to your wish lists (or to treat yourself, we won’t tell!).
State of the Blog 2019
Those were our most read posts written last year, it is always fun to look back and see what is popular with you all. It is no surprise that our seasonal home tour posts are always among the favorites, so we’ll be sure to continue to do those in 2019. Here’s a look at what else is coming up for us at 11 Magnolia Lane this next year.
In our 9+ years of blogging we have written about all sorts of things and in an effort to keep relevant and interesting, we try to mix our content up a bit to include things of interest to all of you. We notice (based on clicks and purchases) that our mom-fashion-over-forty finds are popular. We try to focus on affordable, on sale if possible, stylish fashion basics to answer that “what do I wear” question that seems to get harder as we age. We plan to continue to share favorite finds in 2019. Are there fashion items you would like to see more of? Let us know!
Home Decor is always the backbone of our content and that will continue. I still have new spaces in our home to decorate and show off, and I imagine the military has another move in store for Christy and her family this year which will mean another new home in her future. I am pretty sure we won’t run out of decorating content any time soon!
We still like to tackle a DIY project here and there, and are thrilled that our partnership with the HomeRight company will continue in 2019. We’ll be using (and giving away) their products each month this year, so if you have been trying to win a paint sprayer or a steam machine you’ll have plenty more chances, good luck!
Heading into this year, if I have to be honest there are times where while we are privileged to have this little space online to connect with you all, it can sometimes feel a little stale–for lack of a better word. Blog readership can be dictated by such uncontrollable things like the Pinterest algorithm and it gets harder and harder to churn out realistic, every girl home decor in what is rapidly becoming an over-the-top, Instagrammable, highlight-reel, world.
That being said, we plan to just continue to be who we are here at 11 Magnolia Lane, showcasing our best real life, practical solutions for whatever our current situation is. In Christy’s case, this is renting a small, older home while her husband is stationed in another state, and for both of us trying to be real and true moms, friends, home decorators (term used loosely!) and bloggers.
Many of you all have been reading us for literally, years now, and we continue to show up and be who we are just for that reason. So, that being said–what would you all like to see here in 2019? Please let us know in the comments or drop us a line at, we’d honestly love your feedback as we plan for this coming year.
Most importantly, thank you for reading, for encouraging, and for being a part of things here at 11 Magnolia Lane. We look forward to seeing what the next year brings, may all of you have a safe and very blessed New Year!

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I loved it all. So glad your tours were among the favorites, they are mine too.
Thank you so much for including us! We love being a part of the tours. Have a very happy new year Marty! XO, Amy
PLEASE…..Don’t change a thing about your blog! Perfect just like it is!. Happy New Year!!!
OK! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. We’ll do our best 🙂 I hope you have a very happy new year! XO, Amy
I agree, I’d just like more of the same. I am really glad you guys keep it real instead of over the top. Thank you both for what you do!
Thank you so much Belinda, we truly appreciate your feedback. Have a wonderful new year! XO, Amy
It looks like we all feel the same… “ If it ain’t broke, Don’t fix it! “. ? You are very relatable and we appreciate you! Happy new year!
Thank you so much Kim, OK then, we’ll keep it up! Your feedback means a lot, I hope you have a happy new year as well! XO, Amy
Happy New Year! I am a busy mother of two and English teacher in Western New York — I have followed your blog for several years!
I love posts regarding entertaining and special occassions for family, friends, and the kids’ social events. I also enjoyed posts of the past describing your social events and friendships.
Thank you for your energy, expertise, and warm hearts!
Thank you Mary, that is great to hear. How nice that you like our real-life entertaining posts, we’ll try to do more of that this year. I hope you have a wonderful 2019! XO, Amy
I love your blog and the fact that you keep it reasonable and “real”. No changes needed!
Thank you for your feedback, we’ll just try to continue to keep it real 🙂 . I appreciate you taking the time to let us know. XO, Amy
I am 69 years old and love your blog! You have such practical, realistic ideas. Keep it! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, that is great to hear. We’ll try our best to keep on doing more of the same. Have a happy new year! XO, Amy
Keep doing what you are doing! I do love the over 40 fashion posts, I think they are my favorite! I still love my Hobo wallet you guys recommended. And I don’t know why it is showing up in all caps, I don’t mean to yell. Happy New year!! Heidi