Today we’re reluctantly getting back into the swing after our spring break trip then celebrating Easter yesterday, it all went by so quickly. I am debating writing up a post about our trip, I haven’t decided yet, though if you follow us on Instagram you saw some of it already in stories. I’d love to share about the resort we went to in Florida but I also didn’t take a ton of photos that aren’t all of my kids :). Regardless, today we’re back to the harsh reality of school and work!
Getting back to our regular “programming”–I seem to be unable to resist reading posts elsewhere about Amazon hauls and favorite buys in all categories so today I thought I’d take a look at my last few Amazon orders and share the best and most useful items I have found with you all. It isn’t a secret that I love the convenience of Amazon and while some things are taking a little longer to arrive these days even with the Prime shipping, other things seem to magically appear. Saturday night my husband told me we were out of double AA batteries so I ordered a pack and they were on our porch when we got home from church Sunday–it’s like magic! I don’t know how they do it but it makes my life easier so I’m a fan.
Outside of the usual things I order monthly (I get all our detergent, paper towels, trash bags etc from Amazon, it is just less to haul home from the store) I am still getting parts of our new home organized so much of what I have ordered recently is from that category. They have the best prices in my opinion on bins, containers and that type of thing. I also have recently delved into the world of Amazon fashion (see that post HERE) and did love most of what I brought along on our vacation last week.
Hat | Bathing Suit (size up) | Floral Flip Flops
I used the packing cubes I ordered for the first time this trip, I have mixed opinions on these. I packed in a large duffel bag and think that the rectangular shape would work better in a square suitcase though they did squish in my bag pretty easily. I probably should have pared down and only brought two or three of the cubes because while they were handy to keep my clothes in groups–like bathing suits, workout clothes etc.– I probably didn’t need to try to use the entire set. Lesson learned, though for long trips they are definitely a great way to keep things organized in your bags.
As far as non-travel related items go here are some of the other fun things I have ordered recently.
I saw these Winesavers on another blog and realized I needed them! I tend to have at most one glass of wine a night then I wind up pouring out the rest of the bottle a few days later when it has gone bad. Hopefully, using this type of stopper will help it last until I decide I want to have another glass, and then there will be no more wasted wine because wasting wine is a shame! 😉
I have yet to completely finish my closet in this house, but I did manage to swap out my cold and warm weather clothes recently. After I did it, I had a large pile of sweaters and a pile of scarves that I needed to put somewhere until I needed them again next fall. They sat on my closet floor for weeks until I grabbed these two fabric bins from Amazon. They worked out perfectly and now are stacked neatly in the corner of my closet, and I can switch them out and fill them with summer items come next winter.
I ordered this new hairbrush and have high expectations. For years I have been drying my semi-curly hair straight by dragging it through a round brush. My hairdresser recently pointed out that I didn’t need to do that if I was just going to use a straightener on it anyway. Being lazy, I started using my daughter’s Wet Brush (the best I have found for kids hair) which was sort of working, but I figured I’d better use something more designed for the job so I didn’t damage my hair. I also use this fantastic spray to straighten and protect my hair (it also works great to fight humidity in the summer) and this very inexpensive straightener if you are interested in details like that.
(If you missed it, you can read about the Top 20 Most Popular Beauty Products on Amazon HERE).
A tip for those of you with pets–every year about this time I order this flea and tick collar for our Lab, Lucy. Our vet recommended it years ago and it works great, and it is much easier (and I think cheaper?) than remembering a monthly treatment for fleas and ticks.
I have been trying to do a better job with meal prepping, if I don’t plan ahead we just don’t eat well so I recently ordered a new garlic press (not super exciting, but this one does work well) and restocked my very favorite food storage containers. I ordered several sets of these a few years ago and hands down, they are worth the investment. Not only do they not get food stains but they keep vegetables and fruits fresh for days. I really love these containers so I ordered a new set to augment what we already have, I find I always need more even though I already have several sets. They make your fridge look nice and organized too 🙂
Finally, I ordered my daughter this bathing suit from Amazon (she actually picked it out) and she wore it non-stop on our trip. It’s fairly true to size and held up great considering the price.

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