Welcome to February! Around here we’re pretty much in the thick of winter, though this year so far it hasn’t been that bad. We got this dusting of snow this week, our first since moving to this home. We’re waiting to see how it goes living out here, we know that during big snowstorms we’re going to be pretty much stuck at home. I am sure the novelty of that will wear off at some point!

Sometimes (most times!) the posts we share here are as much for us as for those of you stopping by. Today I thought I’d share some tips for getting through winter, it’s my least favorite time of the year so I find myself needing to look harder for happy things in day to day life.

To start with, I have started planning our vegetable garden for this summer which is fun to think about. If you don’t move out to the country and start a garden then why live in the country, right? 😂 This has always been one of our goals, and while it’s probably going to take several years to get it where we hope it will be, we’re going to get started as soon as it’s warm enough. I have been ordering seeds ( this set as a great place to start). I also ordered several pots to sow the seeds indoors, maybe someday I’ll have an actual greenhouse but for now, a sunny window will have to work. I may also add a grow light to help things along. Looking ahead to getting outside and starting things growing gives me something to look forward to!
I am also cooking all the comfort foods I can right now. As I have mentioned, I asked for and received this bread machine for Christmas. I am now regularly making gluten-free and regular (kamut) bread. My family is hooked and the house smells so good! I recommend this gluten-free recipe if you have a bread machine, it’s hands down the best GF bread I have ever had, and it’s not hard to make in the machine. I am also making all sorts of soups each week, like Chicken Chili or this Vegetarian Chili (below) that I am adding to next week’s meal plan.

I mentioned in this post on health tips that I use an Infrared Sauna daily, and I do think that this is helping to stave off the typical seasonal depression that creeps in at this point in the year. Using this bag kind I have is easy, and it feels like you are laying on the beach in the sun. It’s not quite as good as the real thing but it definitely helps with relaxation, detoxification and mood and there are plenty of other health benefits too.

Here are a few cozy favorites to share.

I purchased a pair of World’s Softest Socks at the recommendation of a friend, and I love them! They are the goldilocks of socks, not to warm, not too thin and cool. They are a nice upgrade to everyday socks, and great quality too.

We’ve shared a more expensive, luxurious version of this sweater style wrap above before (it is here) but this one is on super sale. The color is limited to black, but it’s a great price and a perfect way to cozy up when you need another layer.

On days when I really want to stay warm, I reach for this sherpa pullover (I have this pink/cream combo). I have had it for several years and it’s holding up great, and it’s very, very warm!

I purchased this pretty white and gold electric kettle last fall prior to our kitchen renovation knowing I wouldn’t have a sink or range for weeks and I still use it every day. It heats up water so fast, so it makes it simple to whip up a cup of tea in just about one minute. It’s on sale right now too, I love this line of appliances so much.

A favorite we’ve shared so many times over, this Bliss throw gets me through the winter. I have lost track of how many we have (each child has their own, they were fighting over them, plus several in our living areas) and I am buried under one as I write this. I love these and everyone else does too!

These cute and affordable beanie hats are great on cold days, they come in a ton of colors too. They also have warm, matching gloves. Winter essentials!

A few other ideas that help like keeping fresh flowers around, adding some live plants for more greenery and just getting outside on nice, sunny days I find also makes a difference. Spring is around the corner (well, sort of!) so stay warm friends!

Please visit my Health and Wellness website 11MLWellness here.

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