Do you ever get so overwhelmed by the idea of decorating a room that you end up doing absolutely nothing? I have a WHOLE house full of rooms that need attention–the guest room is always last on the list, that is until you get that call that you are having guests, right? With the holidays bearing down on us, we know we aren’t the only ones in this situation.

This month we were asked to join the project known as ‘A Year of Change’ by a group of fabulous bloggers and to be their guest designer for the month. The group includes Commona-My House, Rosa Beltran Design, Suburban Bitches and our Preppy Party co-hostess, Sarah from Life On Virginia Street. On the last Friday of the month we’ll join them and show you how we took on that month’s challenge and how it looks in our homes. The projects in the ‘Year of Change’ are always designed to be easily completed within the month and to bring noticeable change to our homes. It’s all about taking small steps to make your home more your own without getting overwhelmed. Now to introduce you to this month’s challenge…
Refreshing a guest bedroom space!

Over the next few weeks, Christy and I both will be refreshing our guest bedrooms, making small changes so they are more comfortable for our guests this holiday. I joked to Christy my guest room is where my decor goes to “die”, so I need to spend some time retiring what needs to go to Goodwill and bringing some pretty new elements into our space. Christy says she has work to do, but I have been a guest in her home and I can tell you it’s a lovely space already filled with hospitable touches {read what it is like to be a guest in her home HERE}, so she, unlike me, doesn’t have much work to do.
I spent a few dreamy minutes staring at my “Bedrooms” board on Pinterest so I could show you all what I have planned in our guest room. Interestingly all of my pins have upholstered headboards–except this one, and this is very close to the bed we have in our guest room so this is the best “inspiration” picture I could come up with.
If you were a “Rate My Space” fan, you may remember this pretty room? Ironically, this home is actually just down the street from me (small world!) and you can see Heidi’s current and stunningly gorgeous blog here. Anyway, since I think we’ll continue to use our rice-carved bed in our guest room, this is my inspiration photo but I still have several weeks to decide, so a plan change is possible.
Check back in on Friday, November 28th, to see our reveals. Feel free to play along with our challenge!
Also–a few other items to note…
Have you voted for Christy’s IKEA Tarva Hack in the HomeRight Dresser Challenge? Pop over and cast your vote for this Greek Key beauty, you won’t believe what she started with. I know how much energy and effort she put into this project, didn’t it come out beautifully? Can you believe that is IKEA?!?
Finally, thank you to everyone for your nice comments and support for my One Room Challenge Office Makeover. A technical issue is keeping me from replying directly to all the comments but I read each one and they meant so much to me. It was such a fun six weeks, I am already looking forward to the Spring One Room Challenge…well, after I rest up that is 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and thanks for stopping by!
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