After roughly ten months of being what I called “casually homeless” after our return to the States from Germany, we finally closed on our home in Huntsville, Alabama last Monday! I didn’t want to share any photos before the ink was dry just in case there was an issue, but today I’m going to share a few photos from the listing.

I’m a little pressed for time today since we received one of our shipments earlier this week (the stuff we put in government storage before we moved to Germany in 2020) and I’m trying to get all of that unpacked and put away before our main shipment arrives next Monday and Tuesday, so I did minimal editing on these photos. Can I even tell you guys how excited I am to be DONE with military moves after this?!

This house is in an area of Huntsville called Blossomwood (isn’t that a pretty name?). It’s close to the downtown area where all the yummy restaurants are, and it’s only a mile or so from the hospital. Since there’s a good chance I’m going to be going back to my nursing career in the future, it’s nice to have work options nearby.

One thing we really love about the lot is that there are mature trees. We looked at a lot of new construction that felt so bare to us–lots of the newer neighborhoods are built in fields and it will take years for the trees to grow up. This house is newly built, but our builder took down an old ranch house and rebuilt on the lot–there’s quite a bit of this happening in this area. I will say that the older homes that are in this neighborhood are all really lovely–people take great care of them and they are all unique.

My husband has been really getting into cooking lately (no complaints here!) and he’s a much better cook than I am. We both love the kitchen and the pantry and are looking forward to entertaining friends.

This is going to sound really strange, but the bathrooms were a big selling point for me, too.
Here’s the powder room–I see a really cute wallpaper in here one day:

And the master bath:

Of course I’ll be sharing a lot more over the next few weeks as we get settled. I do have quite a few plans now that I’m finally able to go into nesting mode. And as we unpack some of the great pieces we bought in Europe, I’m looking forward to seeing how they all fit into our new space.

One last photo…I’m sure it will surprise none of you that one of the very first things I had to do was plant flowers in my urns. I really missed those while they were in storage!

Thanks for stopping by to see our new house!

This is a beautiful home!! Congratulations and thank you for all the years that your husband (and you!) served!
Thank you! I can’t quite believe that we might get to live here for more than two years!!
How exciting. I love your new home, it is stunning and that kitchen is a dream. Can’t wait to follow along as your make it your own. Congratulations.
We are neck deep in boxes right now and more to come on Friday. This is always the worst part but I’m thankful that so far this seems to be a good shipment with very few damages!
You and your husband deserve all of this and more! It’s a beautiful home and looks like a custom build with all of the beautiful finishes! Congratulations, and thank you. I have such admiration for the manner in which you’ve handled alllllll of these moves with such grace. Good luck to you!
Thank you, Rebecca! I’m not sure that I’ve handled them with grace but the older I get, the easier it is not to sweat the small stuff. I am thankful to be in a beautiful home where I hope to live for as long as the Lord wills. It’s not a custom build, but the builder is a boutique one in the area and does about five per year. He does choose very high-end finishes and you know those spoke to my heart!
Thanks again,
I’ve been thinking of you and wondering how it was going! The house is stunning and I can’t tell you how much I love the trees! The kitchen is a dream and I love the porches. I’m sure it’s a wonderful feeling to have some of your belongings back. I have crossed fingers that your things from Germany traveled well. It will be like Christmas to open all the containers.
I think you’ve handled so many moves with grace! Immense appreciation to your husband for his service and to you for yours! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Can’t wait to see what you do with this beautiful home!
Hey, Pat–We had ten crates out of sixteen delivered today and I am neck deep in boxes. It’s overwhelming but like you said, so good to see everything again after so long! So far everything seems to have made the trip in very good condition. We have friends visiting for Memorial Day so I am going to have to get to work before they arrive. It’s good to have a goal!Hope you are well!
Congratulations and Welcome Home…….at last! I can’t wait to see what you do for this already beautiful home.
Thank you, Monica! I am SO excited to start nesting after so many months of living without roots. I appreciate the good wishes!
I am so happy for you and your family. When we moved to Knoxville 10 ears ago, I lived in a hotel till my husband and son could join me. Finding a rental was difficult since our son is in a wheelchair. We stayed several weeks in a hotel then onto a rental for a year before we were ale to move into our home It is so exciting to see your possessions after a year.
Only the best in your newhome!
Thank you so much, Betty! I am sure you had to wait even longer since you had particular needs for your son. You definitely understand how good it feels when you finally are able to move into your forever home. And yes–opening the boxes is like Christmas. We got a batch today and it’s been so fun to see my things again!
Thanks so much for the good wishes!
Welcome to Alabama! I live in Tuscaloosa, and thrilled y’all are settling in our great state. Please come down and visit!
You know, Amy’s younger brother went to Alabama (quite a few years ago) and I’ve lived in Enterprise and Daleville–but I’ve never been to Tuscaloosa. Thank you for the invitation!!
Your new home is beautiful. I can’t wait to see all the decorating you will be doing. Wishing you, your husband and your family the best of health, happiness and good luck. Thanks to your husband for serving our country and to you for being a strong military wife.
Thank you so much, Merrill! I’m not sure about the strong part, but we’ve made it through during plenty of hard times. We are so excited to finally be settling in sweet home Alabama. I appreciate the good wishes more than you know!
Christy – congrats to you/hubby on the new home purchase. Love the house and those trees!! Blessings for many years of happiness, love and great neighbors!
Thank you, dear Julie! How goes it up North? We are SO very excited to be settling down–God willing it will be for quite a few years! I have plans for this house! 😉
XO Christy
Congratulations on your beautiful new home. I can’t wait to see what magic you work here.
Thank you so much, Riberta! We are so excited to be settling down!
Welcome to Alabama! Our family used to live in Madison, near Huntsville. That area is such an amazing blend of Southern culture while also being an incredible melting pot of people and cultures from all over the world. I hope you love it like we did. I look forward to watching how you make your beautiful new home a reflection of your classic style!
That’s so cool–we just found a house for my mother in law in Madison! It has such a sweet little downtown area. I agree that it’s the best of Alabama + the world. It feels a bit like Nashville did when we lived there (minus the country music vibe). We are loving it so far!
Thank you so much for the good wishes–they are appreciated!
Your home is beautiful and I look forward to seeing you make it your own! I know you will be thrilled to finally be settling.down. Such nice porches on the front and back also and the flowers are so pretty on the front porch.
Thank you and your husband for all the years of service in our military and all those required moves!
Thank you so much, Nita. We are thrilled to be getting settled. We had a little more than half of our shipment delivered today and it’s so good to see everything again!
I grew up going to Blossomwood Elementary! I grew up on Big Cove Rd! You will love the area and the town.
Best wishes for you and your family.
What? How cool is that?! It’s such a sweet area; we consider ourselves fortunate to live here. Our neighbors are amazing already–my next door neighbor came over this morning and within fifteen minutes I offered to water her plants for her this week and then she offered to let us stay at her house since she has beds and a fridge. Isn’t that just southern hospitality at its finest? We still have our rental through the end of the month but the offer was just above and beyond. I am so thankful.
I absolutely love your new home. That kitchen, especially the pantry, is a dream! I can’t wait to see how your items from Europe fit in. It will be beautiful, I’m sure. Good luck!
We are beyond excited to finally have a place to call home–you understand! We got half of our Europe shipment today and it’s SO good to see everything!
Thanks, Heidi!
I’m so happy for you! All that moving and dealing with damaged and/or lost things can be frustrating. Your new home looks lovely and porches front and back are great. I can’t wait to see what you do to put your “stamp” on it!
Thank you so much, Bonnie! We received 10 of 16 crates today and so far everything is in good shape. I’m cautiously optimistic!!
Beautiful home. Excited to see how even more beautiful you will make it. Glad you are back in full force.
Thanks, Rebecca. It’s so good to have a place to call our own again. I so appreciate the good wishes!
Congrats on military retirement! We’re also a military family that just set down roots after 26 years and I will be happy to never seeing another box or packing paper ever again (hopefully)! Enjoy making decorating decisions for yourself and not for rental or resale!
Thank you, Janet, and congratulations to you, too! You are 1000% correct that I never want to see another box again–or hear that tape being ripped off the roll. I’m going to plant hydrangeas AND be able to watch them bloom. So much to be thankful for!
Welcome to the other side!! It’s wonderful here…I wish we had arrived sooner :). Your house is just gorgeous…I can’t wait to see everything you do! Hope you’re well…I know you’re happy!! Fondly, Shand.
Thanks so much, Shand! Chris said the same thing to me the other day–why ever did we wait so long to retire?!
If your travels bring you through Huntsville, you MUST come and have a tour!
We’re renting a house just a few doors down from you. We’re long time Blossomwood residents and are building on our Bwood lot!
I know you’ll be very happy here—–Laura
What?! We’re neighbors and you already happened to read our blog? What are the chances of that? You have to come by and say hello! We’re right in the middle of moving my mother in law into her house over in Madison, but I am hoping to be at home more later in the week.
What a small world! Looking forward to meeting you, Laura!