We’re so happy to welcome back our sweet friend, Erin, from The Sunny Side Up blog. We love it every time she guest posts with us; she’s got a beautiful (and beautifully organized) home, and she’s mastered the art of decorating without clutter. Here’s Erin:
Hi friends! I’m so happy to be joining Amy and Christy in their fun Operation: Organization series again! If you’re anything like me, you have most likely been busy tearing closets, cupboards and drawers apart.
I love January! It’s such fun time of year to really take a close look at our homes and decide what we can purge so that we can enjoy a calmer, more organized home. I have been busy this week working on the drawers and cupboards in my kitchen and want to share the magic happening behind one cupboard with you today.
This cabinet to the left of our oven/stove is where we keep all of our medicine. It was always such a mess and full of so much stuff that I couldn’t ever find what I needed. If one of my kids got sick, I was searching for 15 minutes through expired bottles to find some Children’s Tylenol. If I needed a cough drop.. good luck! I finally had enough and got to work cleaning it out. I wish I had a “before” picture for you so that you could really see the difference! Here is the “after:”
Ahhhh! SO much better!
I used some stackable organizers to hold our medicine and prescriptions. The first aid kit is from Costco and holds a lot of random medical supplies that come in handy when you have three kids running around. It used to be in another closet because it didn’t fit in this cupboard, but when I cleaned things out and tossed what we didn’t need I had so much more space! Funny how that works. 😉
To hold random miscellaneous things like band-aids, creams, ice packs, etc. I just used a few inexpensive bowls from my grocery store. I labeled them all and now everything has a happy home.
We even have extra space on the top cupboard. This little makeover has been SO easy to keep clean. As soon as we run out of something I replace it, and there is no more searching for what we need. YEAH! Doesn’t organizing feel good!?
I recently shared a 2015 year round up of some of my most popular posts from last year and a lot of them were organizing ideas, so pop by for more inspiration! Say hi if you do, because I love meeting new friends. Wishing you all a 2016 filled with clean cupboards and peace of mind. 🙂 Happy organizing everyone!
Thank you, Erin–as always, you have me craving half-empty cupboards AND the color aqua!

Good luck! Enter the giveaway here:
We are also giving away a second organization package including time management tools from Abby @ Just a Girl and Her Blog, a package from Picture Keeper, courtesy of Simply Organized, and a 10 Tips to a More Organized Life from Morganize Me to really get someone’s year off to a great start! Enter to win those here:
Operation: Organization 2016
Monday, January 11—Lisa from Organize 365
Wednesday, January 13—Erin from Sunny Side Up
Thursday, January 14—Shand from Quarters One
Friday, January 15—Abby from Just a Girl and Her Blog
Saturday, January 16—Morgan from Morganize with Me
Sunday, January 17—Heather from The Heathered Nest
Monday, January 18—Mary from Mary Organizes
Tuesday, January 19—Melissa from Polished Habitat
Wednesday, January 20—Becky from Organizing Made Fun
Have a beautifully organized day, and thanks for stopping by–

I always love seeing an organized cabinet! Love those pretty bowls. Such a cute idea!
Love the use of the bowls! I’m tucking this idea away!
I love the idea of using inexpensive bowls to hold random items. Pretty and functional
First of all, what a most beautiful kitchen…I never tire of seeing it!…and the bowls used for organizing is such a great idea…and I am a bit envious of the extra shelf space that you have!