I’m back today with part 2 of the story of my missing bag, and I’m so excited and thankful to be able to share the GREAT NEWS with you guys!
| Me and my bag before its adventure on the train |
If you missed the background story, you can read Wednesday’s post {here} for the details. I updated everyone who follows us on Facebook yesterday afternoon (you can see that post {here}, or I’ll copy it below).
If you read yesterday’s post, then you know that I left my carry on bag on the train from Penn Station in Manhattan to the Newark Airport on Saturday. We won’t rehash how stupid that was, because trust me, I know!
Yesterday afternoon, I called to do my daily check on my lost item case and they told me they had a likely match at the Penn Station office. I was afraid to hope that it was *really* my bag, but as my friend Operator #32 told me, “Ma’am, I can’t imagine there are that many red Longchamp bags with laptops and makeup in them that come in on a daily basis.” I tried to call the number there for HOURS (76 times, to be exact), and it rolled to voice mail every time. Yes, I left a voice mail; no, no one called me back. I get it–they’re busy because people leave tens of thousands of items on their trains every year. But since most people leave wallets, or glasses, or scarves, but not bags full of approximately $5000 of stuff, like I did (go big or go home, right?) I decided that waiting for a call back was not going to help me sleep at night. And please believe me when I tell you that I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since Saturday!
So, today I hopped on a plane to New York, visited my long distance friends at NJ Transit’s Lost and Found, and wept on a very nice and slightly embarrassed transit worker’s shoulder when she handed me my bag. NOT ONE SINGLE THING IS MISSING–I got it all back!! My laptop, my jewelry (even those precious, precious pieces that belonged to my mom), even my hairbrush; they are all back in my possession and there has never been a more grateful person on the face of this earth.
Those of you who sent me lovely comments and prayers yesterday–thank you. I boo-hooed every time I read one because I’ve just been so mad at myself and not one of you berated me for being stupid; instead you told me your stories of times you messed up, too. (This is also where I should mention that my husband never doubted that it would be turned in. Let me put this in all caps for him: YOU WERE RIGHT, HONEY. You should frame this.).
Because I was raised right, I did ask if they could tell me who had turned it in so I could send them a proper thank you, but they don’t keep a record of that. I don’t know if it was a conductor, or a passenger, but since clearly God had a hand in my bag coming back to me, I will trust that He will also let that person know how deeply I appreciate his or her honesty.
A few final thoughts: my plane ticket was less than my insurance deductible and almost exactly what I would have paid to ship a 20 pound package insured at $5000 with a lithium battery in it from NYC to NC, so I consider that an absolute bargain, don’t you? Also, I know not one of you will judge me for drinking at 3:30pm. Last but not least, the Delta Club at Newark airport is my new favorite vacation destination; next time I may bypass Manhattan altogether and just check in here for three days. My bag and I are snuggling, happily together again.
Thank you again, friends! XO, Christy
Can you even believe it? I know I’m still in shock that after that many days, and being in the hands of so many people, every last thing is safe.
This is how I carried my bag on the train back to the airport (and honestly, how I usually carry a bag on public transportation–touching it at all times):
I wound up back at the airport around 3:30pm and my flight wasn’t until 8pm; I was on Delta so there wasn’t anything that would get me home earlier. Then I remembered that because we have the American Express Platinum card, I could get into the Delta Sky Club, aka a little slice of heaven on earth! (Random: you should absolutely check out the Platinum card; there are so many perks–like the clubs–that make traveling easier, and if you’re military they waive the annual fee. Email me or comment if you want a referral link for bonus points!).
I haven’t slept much these past nights so curling up in a chair with a glass of wine almost did me in…but it was heavenly.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers, comments, texts, and messages. I still can’t quite believe it, but I am so very, very, very thankful.
Thanks for stopping by.
Le Pliage Weekender Tote (I will say that it still looks like new after what was undoubtedly an interesting adventure, and it holds a ton!)

Wow! I’m so happy for you. And special prayers to that angel who turned it in. Sleep well, tonight. 🙂
THANK YOU, Kathy! I slept like a baby last night and then went back to bed after my daughter left for school and slept more–until 10:30am! I don’t even feel guilty about it.
I so appreciate the support!
So very happy for you, I had a feeling you would find your bag.!!!
You and my husband both-thanks for keeping the faith! So, so grateful!
I am so happy for you! There are still good folks out there that do the right thing. We all mess up and lose stuff but so happy these sentimental items made their way back to you. Enjoy.
Thank you so much, Alisa! I am just so incredibly grateful that it ended well. Thanks for the encouragement!
I am thrilled you have all your “stuff” back. I have had things stolen and it’s just never the same again! I’ve followed you for couple or more years , my husband is retired Army and feel like I know you so I am very pleased you have all your things returned!
Thank you so much, Connie! I am just overwhelmed with all the emotions of the past few days and very thankful for all of you; I honestly felt the prayers and support. We probably know some of the same Army folks, so we really do know each other–we just don’t know exactly how yet!
That is great news! I have thought of you many times since I heard-it could sooooo happen to any of us…further proof that there is good in this world after all! happy new year!
Thank you, Deborah! I have felt the encouragement and prayers these past few days and can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I feel a thousand pounds lighter today!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Gee I must have missed this somehow? Either way, restores faith in humanity doesn’t it? When I used to ride the train to downtown Chicago, two different times I left my little leather wallet with credit card/train pass in there. And Thank you You Jesus because both times it was returned fully intact. I, too, asked for name of person who returned, and no record is made. So I profusely thanked the person at Lost/Found through tears……no doubt, I’m sure you, like me, would have returned such an item if found. And all I could keep saying was ‘thank you Jesus” and I will be so much more careful next time!!
I just posted about losing the bag on Wednesday (I lost it Saturday but couldn’t even bring myself to mention it until Wednesday). Then, that same afternoon I got the call that they had probably found it. You can understand how I felt since the same thing has happened to you! So relieved, grateful, and finally at peace for the first time in days. I am so tired that I went back to bed this morning after my daughter left for school and slept until 10:30 and am not even embarrassed. 😉
Thanks for the lovely comments and yes, thank you Jesus!
Wow! What a story. First i threw up and then i cried happy tears! My friend once left her precious jewelry in a safe in Mexico (wedding rings and family heirlooms from India). She had to book a flight to go retrieve it herself!
I covered ALL the emotions, didn’t I? And then I went to bed and slept for ten hours, and it was heavenly. 😉 Sounds like your friend and I did almost the same thing and I’m so glad she got her things back safely, too. Happy New Year, Heather!
OMG! I am soooooo happy for you! We’ve all done similar things for sure! I read the earlier post and have been thinking of you daily and you’ve been in my prayers! It restores my faith In Humanity that it was returned and everything was there! Happy new year! 2019 is off to a great start!
Yes, it is, and I agree. Stories that end like this make us all feel more hopeful. I wouldn’t care to go through it again but I am so, so thankful that it ended the way that it did. Thank you, too, for the thoughts and prayers. I have felt them over these past days!
Yay, YAY, YAY!
Me, too, Toni! 🙂
THRILLED for you and your Christmas/New Year’s miracle! ?? What an answer to prayer and thankful for honest people in this world. Sounds like something I’d do so I’ve learned to hold them or place between feet. I’d miss my mom’s jewelry the most, too. So happy for you! ? God is good and praying He rewards that honest person BIG. Blessings in 2019…
Oh, my gosh–did you see the picture in my post where I’m holding it on the floor between my feet after I retrieved it? That’s what I usually do, too, and it’s never failed me. It was when I deviated from the norm that I got in trouble. Never again!!
I also pray that person is blessed for their actions. Thank you, Kimberly!
fantastic news!!! You will finally sleep well…..lol
Like a baby! Thank you!
What a story to tell your grandkids. And with a happy ending. I would love a link to the Amex card.
I know–I am still on cloud nine! I’ve emailed you the link. Thanks, Joy. -Christy
Thank you so much, Dori! I am so very, very thankful that it ended this way!
Amazing gift from God…..thank you Lord for the kind and honest person who turned in Christie’s bag…bring showers of blessings on them. I am so thankful for your miracle….sleep well!
Thank you so much, Marti. Yes, I pray that God blesses them richly for their goodness. And I will sleep like a baby again tonight, I’m sure!
WOW! God is so good!!!!!!
Yes, He is! And I am so, so thankful for that!
Yeah! Saw the post and was thrilled
Thanks so much, Daria! I’m so very thankful, and can’t tell you how much it means to me that everyone’s been so supportive.
I’m so glad you got your bag returned to you. Praising God for blessings!
Thank you so much, Trina. I am just overwhelmed with joy and relief, and so very thankful for all of you who prayed and left such encouraging comments. My heart is full.
That is great news.
Isn’t it just the best? I am SO relieved!
Christy! Oh, sweet girl ~ I had faith that this happy ending would come ~ and i’m So very glad for you! I feel sure the good person who returned the bag ~ with all its contents ~ will be rewarded in some way as well! Treasure your mom’s pieces now with gratitude and happiness …
You and my husband both! I was trying to brace myself for never seeing any of it again and am just so thrilled and thankful that’s not the case. I will indeed treasure her things even more. Thank you, Kathy!
This keeps me believing there are still nice and honest people among us. So thankful you got it back and in perfect condition!
Yes, me too! I’m just still completely stunned that it’s all back, but so very, very thankful!
Yes we pray God’s blessings on the person who turned your bag in and so so happy you’re now going to get a good nights sleep! thankful there are still many honest people in the world!
Yes, me too! Pretty sure I will sleep like a baby tonight. 🙂
Thank you again-
Oh thank goodness you got it back with everything intact! I know you are very relieved.?
SO thankful–it’s impossible to articulate fully but I am just so relieved. Thank you for the good wishes, Heidi!
Woohoo! I’m so very happy for you!
Thank you SO much, Caroline! You won’t be surprised to hear that I’ve got two cloud backups and one external hard drive set up in the past few days. 😉
Christy, good things come to those who 1. Pray 2. Are persistent 3. Have lots of friends 4. Have a confident husband. Congrats for getting the bag back with everything intact. I’m especially thankful that all your mom’s jewelry ~ priceless ~ was intact. Hope you took a nap on the plane ride gone.
Thank you SO much, Carol! Yes, I took a nap on the plane ride home and have slept so well the past few nights–it’s a whole new world. I really appreciate all the prayers and encouragement! -Christy
You just proved the saying ‘good things happen to good people’.
What a start to 2019. So glad it was a happy ending.
Thank you–that’s so kind of you! I don’t know if I deserved that grace more than anyone else, but I sure am thankful for it. Happy New Year!
What a relief, I’m so happy for you! I’ve thought of you several times since reading the post about your last bag. Wonderful news! <3
Thank you so much, Heidi. It really was an encouragement to know that so many of you were worrying right along with me–I could feel your thoughts and prayers. Happy New Year! -Christy
I am so very thankful for this amazing news! I was so sad to read what had happened and have been praying that you would get it all back. God is so good and I too pray God will extend extra blessings to the people that had a part in this wonderful miracle❤️ I’m relatively new to your site (last fall) and have already learned so much and gotten great ideas from you all. After I read your blog and saw the lovely pictures, we got our first flocked Christmas tree this year and just LOVED it!!! Thank you for inspiring me. Keep up the great work!
Hi, Christy–
Thank you for being a (sort of) new reader and we’re glad you’ve found some good ideas here. Those flocked Christmas trees are great, aren’t they? I’m taking my daughter’s down today-it’s our last one. Thank you, too, for your comment and most importantly, your prayers. I could feel them and know that’s a big part of the reason my bag is safely at home. I, too, pray heaps of blessings on the wonderful people who turned it in.
Happy New Year!
Praise God! There are nice people in the world. He directed one to find your bag.
I agree! Yes, there are, and yes, He did. Thank you, Barbara!
So very happy for you, Christy!
Thank you, my friend! I have to admit that was WAY more excitement than I wanted out of our trip to NY. So very thankful that all ended well.
Happy New Year to you guys!