One thing that seems to be constant around our house is redecorating! That is fortunate for my daughter because when she decides that despite being sure she wanted an aqua bedroom last year, now when she wants to paint her room blush I’ll probably be on board with the change. She’s lucky I need new blog posts on a regular basis, right?!?
She is also my only daughter and we both love pink, so that helped her cause tremendously. It also didn’t hurt that the paint color that she chose last year (Behr Shimmering Pool) made you want to put your sunglasses on when you entered her room! We were both a little tired of how dominant the wall color was. You probably can’t tell from the pictures since they are lightened but the color was very deeply saturated and her room was very bright. It’s a pretty color but I’d recommend cutting this shade at least in half with white (tell the paint counter to mix it at 50%) if you decide to use it. Here is a look at how her room looked before.
| Read about her room previously HERE |
I loved the white flowers she had on the wall so much! Sadly, she had tired of them. Instead, this time we created a simple floral garland that we hung on the wall over the bed. I just used some wire and some florals from Hobby Lobby and used a few command hooks to attach it to the wall. Her headboard is such a steal, the white velvet is so pretty and it is a great price HERE.
Her puppy, Auggie, had no inclination to leave his favorite spot for the purposes of taking photos, I think he was wondering what I was doing in his room!
We only painted one accent wall blush pink ( SW Innocence at 50%) and did the other walls in regular white (Decorators White, one of my favorites, which I still had on hand from when we redid our mudroom). As she has a track record for changing her mind, going with mostly white walls seemed the safest. I think that is typical of pre-teen girls, they change so fast at this age it isn’t surprising that she wanted her space to represent her differently than she did a year ago.
The latest addition to her space is the hanging chair. She’s been begging for one for months, and I have to admit I think it’s really fun too. I found this one on clearance sale, and while I had to drive an hour to pick it up it was worth it. I did give it a few coats of white spray paint as the original finish was too creamy, now it looks perfect hanging in this space.
The gold shelf was another inexpensive find, I like it so much I am thinking about adding one in my room. We also added an inexpensive desk by the window, it comes in handy for art projects and such. For now, between the puppy and the nail polish episodes, her carpet has already seen better days. I am just waiting a bit longer for the sake of the new rug, but we plan to add this pretty pink one soon.
This was just a simple update that only called for some paint, it really didn’t require more than a few hours work and moving a few pictures around and it made her happy so it was worth it. Maybe this version will stick around for awhile!
Shop all her room sources below~

Looks great! Does your daughter use that hanging chair/ curious how comfy it is. been looking to add one to my son’s room! laura
Well…yes she uses it all the time. Would we think it’s comfortable? Probably not! Though the swinging part is fun 🙂 You can get a cushion for it which would help though. I think it’s great for someone younger but I wouldn’t want to sit in it reading for hours, I hope that helps! XO, Amy
It’s gorgeous. i love the pink, such a great transformation.
Thank you so much Marty! We love it 🙂 XO, Amy
Beeeutiful!! love the pink as well…………
Thank you! Pink is always a good idea, right? 🙂 XO, Amy
Found your blog through Pinterest. My then-pre-teen, wanted an aqua room two years ago even tho I begged for blush pink, an aqua that is very similar to your last one. Now, 13 years old, she wants white or blush pink walls. It must be an age thing! But I feel like we JUST painted this! LOL
Thanks for sharing that! I can relate! You will appreciate that during a sleepover my daughter recently rearranged her whole room (removing most of the furniture!) and is now asking for blue walls. I think it never ends. At this point, I have given up and will let her make her own space. At least I have the photos of the room to remember it by! 🙂