Garden Butterfly Party
This past weekend Amy and I were invited to our dear friend Trinity’s home to celebrate her daughters first birthday. I’m not sure if you all remember but Amy and I threw Trinity a baby shower in honor of this sweet little blessing last June (click here to check it out). Needless to say, I cannot believe that we are already celebrating her daughter’s 1st birthday!! How does time go by so fast? Trinity went all out creating an amazing Garden Butterfly Party for her daughter.

Proud parents!! Courtesy of LuMa Images

Custom made party hat for baby Siler
Trinity choose a yellow, aqua and orange color scheme that was perfect for July and stood out with all the green grass in her back yard. The bright colors really made the party pop with excitement from both the kids and the adults. I loved all the little details she carefully placed on each and every table and chair. She really created the perfect event that no one will ever forget!

Umbrella tables were a hit on this hot and sunny July day!

Everything was decorated even the resin chairs. I love the bright mix of colors.

Trinity alternated the aqua and yellow chair ties

Each cocktail table was cinched with a colorful chair tie and displayed a photo of baby Siler- it was such a sweet personal touch.
The children’s tent was just a colorful and as festive as the adult area. Each chair had a polka dot aqua ribbon embellished with white daisy . Trinity created some amazing bright yellow carnation balls that she hung from the top of the tent. Lastly, she attached large Monarch butterflies around the perimeter which tied the Garden Butterfly theme together perfectly.

The children’s tent was perfectly decorated- look at those hanging flower balls!!

The kids chairs were perfectly polished! Each yellow chair was adorn with an aqua bow and a bright daisy!

Even the kids chairs got some added decor. Aqua polka dot ribbon adorn with a large daisy!

Each child recieved their very own (no spill) mason jar filled with lemonade and sprite.
Look at this cake that Trinity made. It is just too pretty to eat! She also had two different types of cupcakes for the adults and the children. They were delicious and adorable.

Amazing homemade cake!!

Cupcakes with flowers and butterflies for the Adults

Butterfly and bug cupcakes to please both the girls and boys at the party!
Trinity had two adorable activities planned for the kids. The first was a craft station where you could create your very own butterfly mask. The girls LOVED this station, they were all so creative!!! The second was a bug hunt. She gave each child a net to collect bug goodie bags placed along the perimeter of her yard. I am not sure which activity the kids loved more, they were both equally creative and fun.

Look at all that glitter!!

Look at her beautiful butterfly mask- so creative!
You would think that bug hunt goodie bags and masks were plenty to give away but they children also received this beautiful parting gift.

Parting Gift: Grow your own sunflower!
As you can see, this party was over-the-top amazing. Trinity created a beautiful event that she can look back on with pride. Here are a few more photos from our friend Michelle over at LuMa Images. How lucky Trinity is to have all these wonderful photos to look back on and remember her daughter’s very special garden butterfly birthday celebration.

Mama and baby ready to blow out her candle

Look who just turned 1 and is WALKING!!

Peek-a-boo birthday girl!!

Mr. Len turned the sprinklers on and the kids LOVED the cool surprise!!

Adorable Girl!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks for stopping by~
I looooove that the chairs go perfectly with your color scheme. Adorable! It is perfect. I also adore that party hat!