Happy Friday everyone! This week flew by, at least here. We did get a ton accomplished this week–my huge 8 foot bathroom mirror is DOWN! More on that soon. I have Easter on my mind as we’re getting ready to head into Spring Break and to host Easter for the first time in many years. Despite it being early, we’ve been blessed with amazing weather this week so it’s been easy to get excited for spring.
I working on pulling together our Easter outfits {I am also working on decor, I’ll be back tomorrow to show off 2 Easter tablescapes} so I thought I would share some ideas for Church outfits and for lunch afterward. Shopping for my daughter is still my favorite, while she has finished with the sweet smocked-dress stage (sadly), she still gets to enjoy an “Easter” dress and get a new pair of spring dress-up shoes.

In reality, she may wear this dress she already has since she is growing so fast it might be the last time it fits her, but I love how sweet and simple this dress {above} is, you can find it here. These shoes and this sweater complete the outfit perfectly.
That dress would be a cute mother/daughter look along with this dress below {or is it a tunic?}, I am itching for it though I would wear it with leggings as it may be a tad too short for me, but isn’t it cute? {Tip: sign up for emails to save $}

I ordered my husband and my oldest son this tie {I was hoping it would come in so I could show it to you, but it’s not here yet} to wear. Such a great price for a spring tie and the Bow-Tie is darling too 🙂

I had to find out what Christy’s cute daughter was wearing for Easter, and it’s this dress she has on below.

But, I heard she has this dress on her wish list {and now I think I do too, I hope it comes in adult sizes!}…

In non-Easter related fashion finds {because that is why we call it a “Free for All!”}, this tote comes in cream with PINK inside {so cute for spring, maybe the Easter Bunny will bring me one?} These jeans are on super sale, I ordered them and they are a great basic skinny jean {though you may want to order up a size, mine were pretty ‘skinny’}. I am obsessed with this dress, its on my short list for our next wedding–what do you think?
I’ll be back to share our Easter Tablescape and Dining Room tomorrow, though some of you may have seen it already on Instagram! Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

I am LOVING that eyelet dress. And I agree – it would totally be mine if it were a tad bit longer!
I am LOVING that white dress! And I agree – it would totally be mine if it were a tad bit longer!
Cute dresses….especially love the Lily Pulitzer dress!….Have a great weekend!
You have been busy! I know you’re happy to have that mirror down. There are some adorable clothing choices
here. I remember trying to dress my kids for Easter ~ sometimes a challenge! 🙂
Have a blessed weekend ~