| Miserable Cow Print by Moody Mermaid |
Happy Friday, everyone. I thought this was an appropriate print to share since I’ve been impressed lately (and not in a good way) with the things that people think it’s OK to say to each other on social media. I’ve always subscribed to the “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything” school of thought, but I think I might be the only one there these days, especially with election season upon us (shoot me now!).
We are blessed with amazing, supportive readers, for the most part. If you didn’t enjoy what we post, you wouldn’t be here, after all, because there are only a million other blogs to choose from (and we encourage you to go read them instead if you’re going to be an ill-bred weenie; we only hang out with people whose mothers raised them right). Most people remember when they comment that there’s a real person at the other end of the internet reading what they’ve written…I try to keep that in mind and never type anything that I wouldn’t say directly to a person’s face. If you’re not kind on the internet, then you’re not kind. Right?
We’ve had a few trolls on our Instagram account lately…Instagram is all about pretty pictures but I guess one of them looked too staged for this group. I’ll try to remember that next time and post pictures of dirty dishes and doghair tumbleweeds instead since I’m sure those will inspire us all. 🙂 Anyway, sometimes you just have to take a peek at the profiles of these folks…and one of them had this as a recent post:

In other news, my dear friend Claire gifted me with all of these beautiful silver pieces last week.

FYI, we had a little discussion on Facebook about the best silver polishes when I posted this photo. I recommend Wright’s Silver Cream, but Hagerty’s was a close second.
Thank you, Claire. I will love using your pieces and think of you every time I do!
My daughter’s heading away for five weeks this summer, to dance at a classical ballet program. While she’s gone, I’m going to add some bigger bookshelves to her room. We’re all huge bookworms in this family, and she’s got a new internship at our local bookshop–one of her responsibilities is to read and review advance copies of new releases, and so she has huge stacks of books (best job ever!).
Here’s her room now (see more here and here):
I’ll share more as things progress; you can see more of our previous bookshelf projects {here}. Didn’t Amy’s turn out great?

Last but not least, as you read this, I’m at my aunt’s funeral in Pennsylvania. This was one of my mom’s two sisters…all three of them have passed now and my uncle is the only sibling left. We all know that life is a series of goodbyes, and that we are all mortal creatures, but it’s still a sad day. I’m just thankful for the example set by these amazing women who lived lives dedicated to serving their King. If the same can be said about me when I die, then my life will have been a success, no matter how tidy (or messy) my pantry is or what my daughter’s bookshelves look like.
Thanks for stopping by–
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Thinking of you Christy… I’m so sorry.
Thanks so much, Sara.
Christy, I think your Instagram feed is lovely and inspiring! Some people are just thoughtless. Gotta love the irony in that post, though! I’m so sorry about your aunt.
Thanks so much, Robin. It did make me laugh!
I appreciate the kind wishes about my aunt, too.
Take care,
Thanks for the sweet note about me and my silver..
But of course! Thank you for sharing your treasures with me!
There’s always a bad apple in every barrel. I love what you two do and copy some of your designs. Love the silver! You hit the mother lode! Congrats!
They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We really appreciate the kind words, Linda!
Today was the last day of school here in Greensboro NC!
Sad to see my first graders leave.
So sorry for your loss Christy.
Thanks so much, Rebecca. Have a lovely, restful summer!
Hi There,
Wanted to tell you that I love your blog and look forward to it every day. I’m sorry that someone was negative. I think you do a great job of making pictures look beautiful and they inspire me. Staged? No way. Sorry for your loss as well. I look forward to more beautiful and inspiring posts. XO,
-A (from way up north in Wisconsin)
Thanks so much, Alissa–you made my day! I think Amy and I have developed pretty thick skin over the years, but sometimes I wonder why people just can’t be nicer!
Thanks for writing–
Somehow I missed this post. I’m so very sorry about your aunt. My mother was 1 of 9 and only 2 left now and they’re in their 90’s. God has blessed them (and us) with longevity and good health.
You know, there seems to be so much rudeness, anger and violence these days. It’s sad that people feel they can write anything to another under the guise of anonymity. You and Amy are outstanding with your blogging and instagram! That is a fun quote ~ 🙂
P.S. The silver pieces are gorgeous!
No worries–it’s hard to keep track of everyone’s posts all the time, isn’t it? And you are always so faithful at reading and commenting. I really appreciate it!
So very glad that you still have an aunt and uncle; it’s so hard as the generation ahead of us passes. So much wisdom and experience is lost!
P.S. I meant that the aunt & Uncle have been blessed with longevity and good health. WE are blessed to still have them!