Welcome to the second installment of our new series, Fearless! We’re excited to have Jessica, from Four Generations One Roof as our guest blogger. Her sofa project truly epitomizes what the Fearless! series is all about. Jessica, take it away!
Hello 11 Magnolia Lane readers! I am Jessica and I blog over at Four Generations One Roof. We are a crew of four generations that all live together under one roof and I happen to be the ring leader of our blog :).
I was honored when the girls at 11 Magnolia Lane asked if I would like to be a part of their “Fearless” DIY series. I have to admit, I am kinda fearless. I don’t know why I am, I just am. I figure, how bad can a project turn out? My thought is if it’s that bad, I’ll just toss it and move on. One of my latest projects is probably the craziest thing I have ever done in my 39 years of existence. I cut my couch in half with a sawzall!
I needed a couch for a small space and this one was just about 2 feet too big. I really wanted to buy a new one but a new couch was not in the budget. One afternoon, I said to my dad and husband, “I’m going to cut that couch in half with a sawzall”. They literally laughed and told me I was crazy. That was all I needed, the challenge was on! 🙂
This was the end result:
My theory, just go for it! If it doesn’t work out, at least you tried 🙂 Once I had the couch put back together, I reupholstered it with old curtains that I had. So what do you think? Would you cut your couch in half with a sawzall?
If you have a chance, hop over to Four Generations One Roof and check out the full tutorial post on how I cut this baby in half, as well as meet the rest of my family. It just occurred to me, living with four generations under one roof is also kind of fearless? HA! Would you do it? We are going on four years now! 🙂
Thanks so much to the 11 Magnolia Lane girls for inviting me to their home and including me in this fabulous series!
Not so fearless,
Jessica, thanks again for guest posting. Who would have thought to cut a sofa in half? But it looks amazing–I love that little porch area now.
Want more? Check out previous Fearless! posts HERE and HERE. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks guys so much for having me! I finally have Internet connection AG haven to get on your blog. My darn phone kept timing out. I’m happy to be a part of the fearless club! 🙂
The pleasure was all ours, Jessica. We hope to be at Haven next year and get a chance to meet your fearless self in person!!
Wow! That is gutsy! Turned out great, imo! How is it holding up? Is it for looks only or is it still a good sitting couch?
Hi Natalie–
There’s a link inside this post that will take you over to Jessica’s blog. Once you’re there, you can read the tutorial on this project and see how it all turned out!
Thanks for stopping by!