My daughter is finishing fifth grade and still likes to give her classmates a gift on the last day of school (my son says, “I’ll take in a bag of candy and let them fight over it.” Teenagers!). Here’s what I came up with the fifth graders:

I bought these awesome Avery Printable Bag Toppers with Bags (#22801) a few months ago, wanting to give them a try to see if I liked them better than using plain white card stock, stapled onto clear treat bags. They cost more (40 are about $15), but I love them. The tops are made of a heavyweight sticker paper, and they take color beautifully from my printer. The bags are a bit heavier than treat bags, too, and they have an adhesive flap on the top to hold them shut before you place the toppers. Here’s a close-up:

Now, I used Avery’s Design and Print Online software (I’ve talked about it before here), and I can’t speak highly enough about how easy it is. There are lots of great graphics and fonts to customize pretty much any Avery product you buy. And no, this isn’t a sponsored post, I just love this software!
I started with one of their templates, but changed the colors and added all the text to customize it to make it summery and fun. I saved it as a pdf when I was finished to make reprints easy in the future.
If you don’t want to create your own template, you can use mine. You can either write your child’s name on the back, or you can add it using any photo editing software (I like PicMonkey {affiliate link}). Print it onto the Avery #22801 labels, or just onto regular white card stock. If you’d like me to customize this for you and send you a digital pdf file, you can purchase it in our Etsy shop {here}.
Just click on the photo below to download and print. Remember to check “Actual Size” in your printer dialogue box.
If you can’t find Pop Rocks at Dollar Tree, here’s an Amazon link:
I’m always looking for great end-of-year gifts for classmates and friends. What do you do with your kids to celebrate the last day of school?
Disclosure: The Amazon links are our affiliate links; if you purchase through that link we get paid a small commission (I’ll name my yacht after you!). You don’t pay a penny more than you would otherwise.
Thanks for stopping by~
ooh I love this!!! I am goingt o use them!!!
oh and I just received my gift for the giveaway ( the teachers custom name cards), they are the cutest things ever!!!!! I can barely wait to give them to her!! thank you sooo much!!!!
So glad you like the name cards, Heidi! Happy end-of-school! 🙂
Thanks so much! I just made these for 24 students. They look great!
So glad you had a chance to use them, Betsy! Thanks for letting me know!