Over the years, I’ve collected different red, white, and blue banners and bunting {see my old porch here all decked out for the holiday}, and I bring them out for Memorial Day, Independence Day, and often Veterans Day as well. Now, I’m not saying that we don’t cook out, go to the beach and/or pool, and get together with friends on this weekend, but we do our very best to remember the reason (and the families) behind this day as we enjoy our time together.
Last week, I decided that I wanted to add a flag banner to my Memorial Day decor, but I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted. What I came up with was so easy that I had to share it.

I started with the small flags that you can buy three for a dollar (I found mine at Target in their One Spot). I pulled them off their sticks and they were all curled up from being in the package:
So I gave them a quick once over with the iron to flatten them out:
Then I simply glue-gunned them about 1-1/2″ apart onto a piece of jute twine. As I measured my door, I wound up only needing 10 flags.
That’s it, and it cost me $4 (I already had a ball of jute twine). When I pull my other patriotic decorations out of their storage bin, I’m probably going to layer this on top of something else. It would also be cute draped over a food or drink station at your next BBQ. Oh, and if you want some more red, white, and blue eye candy, check out my talented friend Andrea’s Fourth of July picnic {here}. Here’s a sneak peak:
How do you celebrate on Memorial Day?
Thanks for stopping by~
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