About a month ago, I snagged a gorgeous frame at Goodwill for $3. As often happens with thrift store scores, it sat in my garage for awhile because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with it.
My daughter, Annabelle, and I were in Target last week (this happens far more often than I’d like to admit), and she fell in love with a jewelry display board, which I refused to buy her, saying, “We could make that SO easily!” Because Annabelle would like to start her own blog (but we won’t let her at the ripe old age of nine), and in the interest of keeping her writing skills sharp during summer vacation, I asked her to jot down a few paragraphs for y’all:
“I saw a jewelry board in Target and fell in love with it. The frame was white and it had a peachy pink fabric. I said, “Mom, I want this in my room,” but we (unfortunately) left without it. 🙁
When we got home, my mom pointed out a frame that looked just like it! [Mom’s note: This was the Goodwill frame, of course.] We then went to Hobby Lobby [Mom: This also happens far more than I’d like to admit!] and got a fabric with Paris writing on it. I am going to have a Paris-themed walk in closet when we move!”
Well, why not? Her room will have a walk-in closet, and if you’ve followed us for any amount of time at all, then you know that I have no problem decorating closets!
To make our own jewelry display board, we started with the thrift store frame and a can of spray paint. Isn’t it a pretty frame?
Next, we assembled the French script fabric, two layers of quilt batting (because that’s what I had in my craft closet), and a piece of foam core board that we cut from an old science fair project. Since we were scrambling to put this together on the same day that we were leaving town for a week at the beach, I had to go with what was readily available!
Annabelle helped with every aspect of this project. I had her cut out the batting and the fabric.
We picked a nice area of the fabric, centered it, and made a sandwich: fabric (right side out), two layers of batting, and then the foam core. We folded the edges of the fabric around the foam core like a package, and then I used a hot glue gun to secure it. Another alternative would be to use very thin plywood and a staple gun, but again, we were using what we already had.
After checking to make sure that everything was straight, centered, and smooth, I glue-gunned the fabric “sandwich” into the frame.
Not bad for about $5 and 15 minutes, right?
We had to find a spot for it right away, but after we move it will go into her closet.
We borrowed these cute little jewel-tipped pins from her mannequin, but I think we could make some pretty easily [crazy glue + beads + pins]. Maybe that will be our next summer project!
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