This post is sponsored by The Wagner Company.
Today we are sharing a natural way to keep your house clean and sanatized during cold and flu season.

This is the time of year that I have to tell myself I just have to ride winter out and hope for the best. Between the short days, the cold weather, and the germs everywhere it is not my favorite season. Last year my 13 year old son was hospitalized due to serious complications from the flu so I am especially paranoid about the illness lurking around this year. There isn’t much I can do to control my kids’ exposure to germs, but I can do everything I can to keep our house safe, clean, and sanitized.

One way to kill cold and flu germs is with chemical sprays containing bleach but I am not a fan of flooding our surfaces with those types of toxins. They have their own side effects, so I am always on the look out for safer ways to clean. Hands down, the best tool I have found is the Wagner Steam Machine Elite.

Not only does the Steam Machine clean and disinfect without using chemicals, it uses a pressured high-temperature steam that gets rid of 99% of surface bacteria. The hot steam also cleans your surfaces while it’s disinfecting so you get both benefits just using one tool.

It takes just a few minutes to sanitize all your surfaces with the Steam Machine. I make sure to hit anywhere that gets touched often like door handles, appliance knobs, and our sink, faucets and countertops. Using the wand, I give everything a quick spray then I just use a microfiber towel to wipe down any remaining steam residue. The hot steam kills the surface germs and loosens any dirt or debris, once it’s wiped down the surface is clean and sparkling.

In addition to the sanitizing benefits, the Steam Machine makes quick work of some of the most dreaded household cleaning tasks. Once I get mine filled (be sure to use distilled water) and heated up, I knock out those hard to clean places like my oven, range top (especially the iron grates), the water dispenser in the fridge door and our kitchen trash can. It takes seconds to clean what otherwise would be time-consuming and unpleasant jobs.

I also make sure to give our bathrooms a regular steam cleaning. Not only does the steam loosen any stuck on toothpaste and other unmentionable bathroom messes, it also sanitizes those surfaces where germs can be hiding. I always make sure to blast the door handles with steam as these can hide all sorts of unpleasant bacteria. It takes just a few seconds to spray down the sink and faucet then give it a quick dry, then it’s not only germ-free but also sparkling clean.

The Steam Machine comes with all sorts of attachments with different cleaning uses, we’ve shared many of them with you before like for cleaning shower doors or your single-serve coffee machine. It’s one of the most useful household tools and it comes with the added benefit of keeping you and your family healthier. At this time of year, this is definitely good news!
You can get your own steam machine below.

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