Rhoda from Southern Hospitality is having a “Best of 2010” party, and since we are just a newborn blog…we didn’t have a long lists of posts to put up to show our highlights. But, we linked up our most popular post: Christy’s “Week-at-a-Glance” wall calendar in her kitchen that drew rave reviews. A huge thanks to WordPress for literally pushing us “out there” by picking this for Fresh Pressed in early December!
(click on image to read the original post)
So, while our “Best Of” list is short…our 2011 is going to be BIG! We have so many projects and ideas coming. Terry is working on a New Years color scheme in gold coming later this week, and she has some AMAZING events coming up this spring. I have two kids’ rooms in progress (they grow so fast, I feel like I am constantly re-doing!), and Christy has a move coming up this summer so we’ll be featuring lots of her gorgeous 1920’s home while it’s still hers! And, I don’t know about you– but I know where she goes next will be fabulous, too! Also, our friend and Professional Organizer, Lydia will be visiting Magnolia Lane with organizational tips to start the New Year off.
We appreciate you all bearing with us during our recent site upgrade. We are working quickly to fix our RSS feed, and if you are here and wondering why you aren’t getting emails, it’s because we somehow lost our subscribers during the upgrade. We did however add the “Follow” feature and we are excited to see our old friends link back up. If you are new, please join up and leave us a comment telling us you have been by.
Its going to be a big 2011! So, stop by often and we wish you blessings for the New Year!
Thanks for stopping by!
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