Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
My baby turned one!! We had an awesome time celebrating Atlas’s first birthday a couple weeks ago. The only thing that did not cooperate was the weather but I still think the party was a smashing success. Atlas was joyful, waving to all our guests as they arrived and the kids had a great time. I had a lot of help from some amazing Etsy shop owners, my very good friend Courtney Anderson who captured the day through her amazing photography and my awesome family and friends, all of whom helped to make Atlas’s Royal Celebration a special and memorable event.
The Theme & Party Decor
This was probably the easiest party theme I’ve ever had to come up with. Ever since Atlas was born, his brothers (Gavin and Lincoln) have called him “the king of all babies”. I have no idea where or why they came up with that nickname but I knew instantly that it would be the theme for his first birthday. Next I choose a color scheme of light blue, aqua, gold and white. I wanted it to be royal (gold) but still fit for a baby (light blue/aqua). Now the fun part – searching for ideas. I began searching Pinterest immediately but I was disappointed with what I found. “King” themed parties seem to pull up Mardi Gras and Prom, not first birthday parties so I moved my search over to Etsy. I stumbled upon this beautiful invite created by Roberta and Ian Moran of Creative Union Design. After corresponding with Roberta about my vision for Atlas’s party she came up with this design. She was able to incorporate his party palette perfectly and added a touch of luxury with the sparkle crown and the adorable polka dot border kept the invite appropriate for a kid’s party. Roberta and Ian captured everything I was looking for in this invite and it helped me finalize Atlas’s theme. They sent me a digital file so all I had to do was print it out at my convenience. I added the gold crown and aqua belt embellishment using my Cricut Cutter and hand delivered these beauties to all our party guests. It was a royal hit!
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #1: Creative Union Design is contributing a digital invite party package. Check out their store and begin to get inspired!
While searching for “king” ideas on Etsy, I also came across chalkboard customizable prints designed by Annaka, the owner and artist behind Princess Snap. She designed this beautiful poster for Atlas’s first birthday. It captures all of his first year milestones and favorite things and she stayed true to my royal theme (check out that crown and shield). This is such a wonderful keepsake and I adore it.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #2: Annaka is donating a 16 X 20 birthday poster of your choice. You can check out all her amazing designs here!

Photo: Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
To ensure all our guests felt royal I created sashes and crowns out of ribbon and lace. Each sash read “King” or “Queen” and was personalized with the child’s initial. The crowns were made out of vintage lace and bedazzled with old jewels.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Have you seen tassel garland yet? Have you seen it attached to a 3ft balloon?
This is my first time using tassel garland and, I have to confess, I have not taken it down since Atlas’s party. It is so pretty and the I love the sound it makes when the wind blows through the house (yes, we finally have our windows open!!). This is another Etsy find thanks to Silverlake Sisters based out of California. Jessica (and her sister) are event stylists that focus on whimsical party decor. I may garland my entire house – it is really that awesome! Additionally, the kids went bonkers over the huge 3ft balloon and are still playing with 2 weeks later.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #3: Jessica and her sister are generously contributing a Silverlake Sisters signature 3ft balloon with a 6ft tassel garland.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
I cannot host a party without printables these days. This Royal Printable Party Package came from Christy Bergerson, shop owner of Itsy Belle. Chrisy has an eye for design especially when it comes to parties and a package from Christy promises to make any event extraordinary. You have to check out her store here and her blog here. Christy incorporated everything I had asked for when designing Atlas’s Royal Party Package. Her package included a banner, food labels, favor tags, water bottle labels, straw flags and the most amazing back drop a “queen” could ask for. Her design even included tiny little bunnies on his birthday backdrop since Atlas was born on Easter Sunday. Christy sent me the package via Dropbox and I leisurely printed them out one printable project at a time. It is so nice to have have that flexibility with printables and it allows you to give your child a hand-crafted party of their dreams.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #4: Isty Belle is contributing a Printable Party Package. Be sure to visit her shop or blog and get inspired!

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Every birthday baby needs an outfit and “King” Atlas was no different. For his royal party I found this adorable crown shirt made by Jess, shop owner of Madelyn Ashley Boutique. She designs the most adorable birthday appliquéd custom shirts for girls and boys. You can customize any design with your choice of fabric, colors and fonts. The best part is that monogramming is FREE!! I didn’t need to change a thing on this royal first birthday design. I loved the colors, the style and of course the crown dangling off the number one. I ordered Atlas a long sleeved onesie sized 24 months (he is wearing 18-24m right now) and it fit him perfectly. There was no shrinkage from washing and the monogram and applique also held up fine. These shirts are well-made and ours even survived chocolate birthday cake.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #5: Jess is kindly donating a long- or short-sleeved shirt or onesie in any design, fabric and font. Check out all the designs you have to choose from here.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
At some kids’ parties you can skip the food and go straight to dessert but since this was Atlas’s first birthday, I wanted to accommodate the the adults as much as the kids. Hosting a luncheon added a level of sophistication without overwhelming the party. I believe the key to any successful party is getting as much done prior to the event as possible. I planned an easy menu – one that I would not have to fuss over while guests were here. The menu consisted of: carved honey ham, carved peppered turkey breast, deviled egg salad, assorted rolls and condiments, fresh fruit platter, mixed green salad with blackberries & blueberries and twice-baked cauliflower/potato bake. I will share the recipes and shopping list soon since this menu is also perfect for spring.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Dessert buffets are all the rage right now and I knew I wanted to have an amazing display. Just like with my luncheon menu, I will fill you in on all the how-to details soon. For now, if you live in Virginia and need a cake for any occasion, I have to recommend Forget Me Not Cakes. Atlas’s crown cake looked amazing. It is seriously the prettiest cake I have ever seen and I have seen hundreds during my 15 years of wedding planning. Not only was his cake beautiful but this dairy-free confection tasted amazing. I chose a strawberries-and-cream filling and it was so good that I called her back to make sure it was dairy free :). Best… cake… ever!!

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
These beautifully-crafted cookies came from my neighbor Cindy, aka The Angry Baker. Her kids came up with her company’s name because she is always yelling at them to get out of the kitchen or to leave the cookies alone. I feel the same way when baking cookies and my cookies look nothing like these. She spent 15 minutes per cookie icing them. They are true a work of art and also very, very tasty!

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
These beautiful cupcake toppers came from Canada! Yes, we are having an international giveaway here at 11 Magnolia Lane. Lisa from Sweet Thing Toppers Shop creates the most amazing fondant cupcake/cake toppers perfect for any occasion. Lisa’s delicate toppers are seriously beautiful. The gold crowns shimmered, the lace edging was elegant and the personalized toppers took my boring cupcakes over the top. Lisa’s designs will dress up any dessert so order double as your guests will come back for seconds.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #6: Lisa is kindly donating $30.00 worth of cake toppers of your choice. Check out all the designs you have to choose from here.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Time for cake! I couldn’t resist sharing Atlas’s first experience with eating a cupcake. In a matter of minutes, he went from being timid to downright ravenous. Look at that chocolate face!

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Lastly, the favors. The kids look so forward to their goodie bags, it’s like Christmas morning. I wanted the goodies to be age appropriate for the vast age group that was attending the party. All the attendees received a royal welcome with a crown and sash ceremony. The children could also take home a crown cookie and/or a box of Easter candy. I loved the color of that box and I also wanted to incorporate a bit of Easter since Atlas was born on Easter Sunday. I also ordered royal crayons from Randi at Scribblers Crayons. Randi’s crayons are absolutely adorable. She designed the perfect package for Atlas’s 1st Royal Celebration by mixing a crown, the number one and a castle. She also sent along cute favor bags for me to use with my own printable labels. The kids loved the crayons and I think the parents appreciated the fact that it wasn’t made our of sugar :).

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #7: Scribblers Crayons is graciously donating up to $25.00 worth of crayons.
The next favor I handed out were these beautiful 100% organic hand stamped royal muslin party favor bags filled with gold from Shelley and Emily shop owners of Crimson Hollow. These bags are so nice, you really could fill them with anything and it would make a lovely parting gift. Crimson Hollow has a variety of gifts including hand-stamped journals, sketch books, coasters, hand-dripped candles, candle holders, organic hand-stamped muslin gift bags and awesome vintage & antique finds. Their store really offers something for everyone.
Dreamy Party Package Giveaway #8: Crimson Hollow is generously donating 10 organic hand stamped muslin gift bags.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
What an event! A special thank you to all our party guests who attended Atlas’s Royal Celebration.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
Enter below for a chance to win your own custom Dream Party Package! Giveaway runs from 9:30am April 15, 2014 until 12:00am April 22, 2014.

Photo Courtesy of Courtney Anderson Photography
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A very special thank you to all the AMAZING & TALENTED vendors that contributed to the success of Atlas’s First Royal Celebration. I also want to thank those who have donated to the Dream Party Package Giveaway.
Courtney Anderson Photography
Shop Owner: Courtney Anderson
Contact: http://www.courtneyandersonphoto.com
Event Planner:
Events by 11 Magnolia Lane
Planner/Event Designer: Terry Kaye
Contact: http://www.11 MagnoliaLane.com
Forget Me Not Cakes
Shop Owner: Melissa Landon Brudvig
Contact: 703-868-8983
The Angry Baker
Shop Owner: Cynthia Cannizzo
Contact: 201-390-6578
Crayon Party Favors:
Scribblers Crayons
Shop Owner: Randi Shapiro
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ScribblersCrayons
Cupcake Toppers:
Sweet Things Topper Shop
Shop Owner: Lisa K.
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SweetThingTopperShop
Custom Printable Party Package:
Itsy Belle
Shop Owner: Christy Bergerson
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ItsyBelle?ref=l2-shopheader-name
First Birthday Chalkboard Print:
Princess Snap
Shop Owner: Annaka
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PrincessSnap
First Birthday Shirt:
Madelyn Ashley Boutique
Shop Owner: Jess
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MadelynAshleyBtq
Fringe Tassle Balloon and Tassle Garland:
Silver Lake Sisters
Shop Owner: Jess Johnson
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverlakeSisters
Creative Union Designs
Shop Owners: Roberta & Ian Moran
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CreativeUnionDesign
Muslin Favor Bags:
Crimson Hollow
Shop Owners: Shelly and Emily
Contact: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CrimsonHollow
Thanks for stopping by~
you did such a great job putting this party together! thanks so much for having me and my girls!
Oh my goodness, this is over-the-top cuteness overload!!! LOVE all the amazing details! 🙂
Wow, just amazing! I would love the dream party package to throw a fun summer birthday party for myself! We typically do something low key but this package would inspire me to do something a little out of the box and fun. 🙂
Such amazing contributors! I would use it for my twins’ fourth birthday party, or possibly as a gift to my friend for her little boy’s first birthday.
I would use it for my stepsons birthday party!
My little boy’s first birthday is coming up this summer and this party package would make his celebration a dream come true!
What a fun birthday party! Can’t wait to go through all the etsy links to see what they have for Graduation Party that I have coming up.
I’d use it for my birthday
Mr. Atlass is one handsome little king! Just love the photos of him “partaking” of his birthday cupcake….just the cutest!
How adorable!
This package would be great to adapt to anyone’s birthday party. It would make is soooo special.
My daughter is turning 13 in June and I would love to throw her a great party and this would be a great way to start!
Granddaughter is turning 16 in July. I got a ton of idea from Atlas’s party!
Our granddaughter Molly Eliot would love a 1st birthday princess crown celebration!
I am, yet again, amazed! You & your contributors put together such a fabulous party! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I would love to throw either a birthday party for one of my kiddos or a summer party with the pkg. 🙂
Atlas’ party was stunning! Any chance I could get help from the his Event Planner at one of my future events?:)
WOW!!! That’s all I can say! Amazing! And that cake is crazy! Very impressive is all I can say!
I would use this party package to throw an amazing 30th birthday party for my husband this summer. He would actually enjoy this same theme!
My little girl turns 2 in June, and I am also pregnant with my second girl who is DUE a week before her birthday. I was planning on just throwing something together because it’s all so much for me right now, but if I were to win, she could have the party of her dreams! (:
So lovely! I would use this for my daughter. sharoo1975@yahoo.com
I have a sweet little man that would love all of these things for his 1st birthday 🙂