Kristin at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia asked us to participate in the Tour Through Blogland that’s making the rounds right now, and of course we were happy to join the fun. She’s always been one of our favorites, and we’re constantly amazed at how she combines beauty and thrift in everything that she does.

•Welcome to 11 Magnolia Lane•
1. What am I working on? (Amy)
Everything! We just moved into a new house this spring, and everywhere I turn there’s a project waiting for me (read about our new home HERE). I decided with this house to be more focused, so I am trying to work on just one room at a time. It helps maintain my sanity! I just finished my daughter’s room and am thrilled with how it turned out (see it HERE).

Next up on my very long to-do list are built-ins for our library, finishing up my dining room and my breakfast room, thankfully both are almost done so stay tuned! Then…and only then, will we tackle our kitchen–it needs some updating–so that’s on the agenda for early 2015 (along with all the other rooms!).
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? (Christy)
I think the thing that sets me apart from others is that since we’re a military family, all of my DIY and decorating ideas have to be temporary, reversible, and/or inexpensive (but preferably all three!). We are in our fifth house in seven years, and while we’ve owned two of them, the others have been rentals or military housing. For example, we just finished our living room with faux built-ins (read about them HERE), but since they’ll need to go with us when we move next summer, we had to build them a bit differently than we would have if this was our “forever home.” It can be tricky to come up with creative ways to decorate a rental, but I get quite a bit of practice!
Also, many of my projects are started because I need to correct the damage that happens to our furniture when we move. Accidents are pretty much unavoidable when you’re moving nine tons of (ahem) treasures across the country, and as a result I’ve learned to embrace the distressed look. My dining room table and chairs are a perfect example–they never would have wound up painted if they hadn’t been so damaged in our move from North Carolina to Tennessee!
3. Why do I write/create what I do? (Amy)
That’s easy–because I’ve got an entire house to decorate! And, like Christy, we’ve moved a lot. We’ve lived in four houses in the past six years, and I love to decorate, so blogging about my projects has always been second nature. I am passionate about making an organized and comfortable home for my family, one where happy memories are created, and where we feel comfortable in extending hospitality to our extended family and friends.
4. How does your writing/creative process work? (Christy)
It’s kind of embarrassing, because in “real life” I’m a very organized, Type A person, but when it comes to decorating projects, I’m very scattered. I call my process “decorating squirrel!” because I can literally start by folding my laundry one morning, deciding that my closet needs to be organized, and ending the day with the contents of the closet spread across the bedroom so that I can paint the closet pink (with silver harlequin diamonds), hang a chandelier, and forget that the family wants dinner. Not that that’s ever happened. Nope.
Fortunately, my family understands that decorating is my job, my hobby, and my relaxation, so they gently remind me about the food thing when they need to. And my daughter thinks it’s cool that her mom is a blogger and that her bedroom is on Pinterest–at least, for now she does!
And now, onto two of our favorite bloggers. It’s pure chance that they’re both from Atlanta, Georgia (just a few hours away from me in Savannah!), but it’s no coincidence that they both have great Southern style.
•Rhoda – Southern Hospitality•
We love Rhoda! She was kind enough to feature one of my previous houses in her Feature Friday posts, all the way back in April of 2012 (see it here), and of course, the high point of our year is the Haven Conference that she and her team of fellow bloggers have created and organized for three years now. Here’s Rhoda:

•Heather – Southern State of Mind•
Heather began blogging in 2012 and has already made quite a name for herself with her fun and colorful style. We’re also thrilled that we’re going to be partnering up with her (and a few other awesome bloggers) on a monthly link party–details coming soon! Here’s Heather:

Southern State of Mind is a place to gain inspiration and inspire- and be encouraged to think of your home as a State of Mind, not just another item on your to-do list.
Here’s Heather’s gorgeous living room:
Be sure to check these two bloggers out, and visit them next Monday (9/8) when they share a bit more about their creative process and their favorite bloggers.
Thanks again to Kristin for inviting us! Be sure to visit her blog and check out her {blogland tour} and her gorgeous {home tour}!
{PS don’t forget to enter our giveaway for a $100 gift card simply by commenting on this post HERE}
If you don’t want to miss a new post, sign up for our email updates {here}, and be sure to follow along on social media, using the black buttons underneath my photo. And thanks for stopping by!

Loved learning more about the three of you and never tire of looking at your gorgeous homes! Thanks for joining me on the tour. XO
Thanks for having us, Kristin. What a fun series!
I love it all! How did you paint your basement ceiling black? Spray? By hand? I would love to know because I am def going to do it.
That laundry room is Rhoda’s project (Southern Hospitality) and I’m not sure, to be honest. Maybe try emailing her? Her address is