Beddy’s provided this bedding at no cost to me but my opinions as always are my own.
I am back today with another room in our new home, this one belongs to my thirteen-year-old son. This has been the room redo of delays, it has been one minor issue after another. From mattress delivery delays (we got a new bed which I’ll show you soon and therefore he got our old bed) to shiplap wallpaper drama (if you follow us on Instagram I have been sharing all that mess in stories), I’ll need to do an entire post about that here soon. The entire room isn’t complete yet so today I am just showing you a peek, and sharing his new bedding from Beddys.
This was one of the first rooms I wanted to fix up in this house, because of my three children this one has really never had his room fully decorated. He inherited the room he and his brother shared when they were young along with the decor, but since then his space hasn’t had much attention. Of course, he really doesn’t care about this kind of stuff, but I wanted him to have a nice space as he begins his teenage years, in a new home nonetheless.
He is a pretty low-maintenance kid, so this Beddy’s bedding is perfect for him. The beauty of a set of Beddy’s bedding is that it zips up on the sides, so making the bed is simple. While he knows how to make a bed, and he is certainly capable, this eliminates me fighting with him to spend the time to do it before he hustles off to middle school at 7AM each day.
The fun buffalo check pattern is perfect for a boy his age, and the set comes with two pillow cases and two pillow shams so really nothing else is needed to make the bed. He moved up to a queen sized bed and since he’s grown about 2″ this last month alone, the time had definitely come.
If you saw our stories, you saw his was thrilled with is new bed. He flopped right down on it (face down) and I caught him smiling so I think it was a success :). While I didn’t get much more than an “it’s cool” regarding the bedding set, we all know that’s pretty high praise from a middle school boy.
I’ll share his completed room soon, but a quick mention that this headboard we selected (he actually picked it out from a few different ones I showed him) is on sale for just $199 which is a crazy good deal! I really love the run woven/rattan look and am very pleased with the quality of it. Of course, you can get the much more expensive version of it HERE if you prefer.
The sports patent prints came over from our last house, and are perfect for this sports-obsessed kid. A large selection of these prints is available HERE, I popped them in inexpensive frames from Michaels.
I used shiplap wallpaper–which looks amazingly like the real thing and more on that soon–I just used it on the wall behind the bed. I’ll have more to show off in here soon, we’re still working on cleaning it up and adding curtains and a light fixture. In the meantime, he has a great bed to relax on during those rare moments he isn’t playing Fortnite! ?
For more information on Beddy’s bedding, you can click here!

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Love the bedding and the amazing shiplap paper! Your new home is truly coming along so beautifully!