What a great 12 days we have had, everyone’s holiday home tours have been such a treat. We hope you enjoyed seeing all the holiday decor and of course, the wreaths we were all able to feature courtesy of Lynch Creek Farm.
Here is a quick recap of all the homes we’ve featured over the last 12 days during the 12 Days of Holiday Homes. If you missed anyone, simply click each one to be taken to the home tour.
Today is the final day which means it is our 12 Days of Holiday Homes link party, so if you have a blog you can link up your holiday home tour. If you don’t have a blog but would like to share your home, just share it on Instagram and hashtag your photos #12daysofholidayhomes. All our featured guest bloggers will be sharing highlights from our favorite images so this should keep the fun going a little while longer.
Here is one last complete schedule in case you missed anyone, these links will all take you directly to each home tour, all are full of beautiful holiday decor inspiration so pour a cup of coffee (or for you late day readers, wine is good too, we don’t judge here!) and sit back and enjoy! I am so going to miss getting up each day and seeing the day’s featured homes.

Thanks everyone for stopping by, your sweet comments and for sharing your homes with us now too. We appreciate you all, and wish you the very best of holidays.

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