Last weekend, my husband and I drove to Tongeren, Belgium, to visit their huge outdoor antique market. It was my first time in Belgium, so I got to cross another country off my list, plus Tongeren is a lovely little town and a mecca for antique lovers.
One thing that struck me is that there’s so much brick in Belgium. German construction is mostly concrete, so it was nice to see brick houses again.

We stayed in an AirBnB right within the city ring, so we could walk the streets as we did our shopping and sightseeing.

While the antique market takes place most weeks on Sunday mornings, we visited on a special weekend when the vendors were also set up on Saturday afternoon and evening. Since it rained overnight and into Sunday morning, that turned out to be a very good thing!

Tongeren is chock-full of antique shops, too, and all of them were open for browsing.

We were a little overwhelmed by how big it was, and my ribs were still pretty painful, so we stopped at a bistro for refreshment–limoncello spritzes and Belgium pommes frites. We managed to order in a combination of English and German since most people in Tongeren speak Dutch (the antique dealers know how to close a sale in every language, though!).

Side note that the limoncello spritzes were SO strong that we were both in bed by 9pm, which is probably good since if we had kept shopping in that condition we probably would be bankrupt by now!

Between the rain and the limoncello, we only bought a few things, but I’m going back with friends next month to “bat cleanup” on my antique needs before we move back to the States. Here are our finds:
Two enamel decanter tags:

Two new Delft tobacco jars (a friend found the one in the middle for me a few months ago):

My husband found this beautiful bar box that holds sixteen glasses and four decanters.

I can’t get it open to show you the inside and heaven forbid I break it, so I’ll have to share the inside in the future.

Also, my friend Sandra and her husband were in Tongeren just a few days ago, and she picked up this 5′ mirror for me:

I have a dear friend in the States who has been wanting something similar so it will be hers when I get home if she likes it; if not, you know I’ll find a place for it!
Thanks for all the nice comments about my bike wreck/injured ribs. It will be one month on Friday and I am improving–but it’s crazy how much they still hurt!
Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by~

It’s great you have the opportunity to visit so many other countries and so many antique shops. I love antiquing, my husband not so much!! lol It was a pretty little town….
I hope your ribs heal up soon. Nothing like being sore for weeks and weeks! I’m happy you didn’t break a bigger bone like an arm or leg!
It’s good that you’re getting to visit other countries and going antiquing in some great places! It looks like a very pretty town.
Hoping your ribs heal up soon and glad you didn’t do worse damage to your body!!
Thank you! I’m almost 100% healed (still feel it a bit when I roll over in bed at night) but I can safely say that I think I’ll swear off bike tours for awhile!!
When will you guys move back to live in the US?
We’re moving back at the end of August, Rebecca. We’ll be in DC for two months and then we’ll have to decide on my husband’s next job and where we want to settle down. Big decisions coming up!!
What a wonderful time you must have had in your weekend in Belguim.
I loved going to Tongeren! I bought all of my copper pots at the FALK factory in Wespelaar-Haacht not far from Tongeren. I hope you’re fully recovered from your accident and having a good summer!
Thanks so much, Shand. We had a great trip! I bought a set of antique copper pots and a copper jam pot, and six new chandeliers. It was a very good trip!
PS the ribs are healed, but if I ever get on a bike again, it will be too soon!