Hey guys–sorry for the delay in posting the winner of the Mildred & Mable’s giveaway–Chris and I spent the weekend creating faux built in bookshelves in the master bathroom from an Ikea Billy bookcase (reveal coming soon, but of course I screwed up the coping on the crown molding and have to buy another piece before it’s all done and I can show the “after”).
Drumroll, please….Amy at A New Old House (comment #1), you are the winner of the Tokyo Milk hand cream and gorgeous ruby red ring! I sent you an email, so please reply with your address and I’ll ship that out to you ASAP. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it. And many thanks, once again, to Andrea at Mildred & Mable’s in Clarksville, TN, for providing the awesome goodies. We have another giveaway coming soon (enamel house numbers) so stay tuned!
And, because I don’t want to leave you without a little eye candy, here’s the cutest little letter organizer (or bill organizer, although that’s not as fun) that I found at Goodwill for $1.49. I added black vinyl numbers using my new Silhouette Cameo and I love how it turned out. It’s going to go in my master bedroom sitting area–I’m planning to carve out a tiny desk area.
Thanks for stopping by!
Super cute! Love a good Goodwill do-over 😉
I love a good reveal! Looking forward to seeing your newly styled room.
I LOVE thrift shops!!!
Janet xox
Wow- thanks so much to Christy, Amy, Terry and Andrea!
I’m very excited about the hand lotion, and to show off the new bling :o)
Thanks for having such a great blog- I’m always finding great ideas on here!
Ooo, I have a similar mail holder, but it’s not as cute! I have a feeling I might be pulling out some paint to pretty it up.
Love it! Taking a trip to Goodwill in hopes I can find a similar little treasure. Can I ask what paint color is in the background?
Hey, Desiree–It’s Fawn Brindle by Sherwin Williams. Love it! Stay tuned because soon I’m revealing my dining room redo, and I used half-strength Fawn Brindle in there, so it’s a bit lighter. Thanks for stopping by!
I think I’ll be making a trip to Goodwill in hopes of finding such a treasure. If you don’t mind, what paint color is that in the background?
Sorry for multiple posts. It continued to say there was an error, so I tried again….oops!