Hi everyone,
Soooo… how are you all doing with your Random Acts of Kindness?
Things have been moving along here at 11 Magnolia Lane and we have really been enjoying all your comments, support and idea’s. I do apologize for the delay but my grandmother passed away last week. I had to take a few days off and head up to NY for her funeral service. I still managed to complete a daily act of kindness while I was away:
December 4th- I spoke kind words about my grandmother during her funeral service this past weekend. This was my easiest act of kindness as she was an amazing woman, mother, grandmother, cook, gardener, baker and all together an amazing person. She passed away at 103 and has lived independently until the past few months. This was also one of my most difficult acts because I am not comfortable speaking to large crowds, especially in times of sadness. How do you say goodbye to a woman that has been such a huge part of you life for so long?
December 5th- Paid a toll for the person driving behind me 🙂
December 6th- Sent a thank you note to my Mom for being a wonderful woman, mother and grandmother.
Tomorrow, December 7th, I will be delivering gifts to children in foster care here in Fauquier County. A dear friend of mine organized this through our church and asked if I would be interested in helping. I am really excited to be a part of this act of kindness and it has been a great way to get my children involved. My boys were really excited to purchase gifts for a sweet little boy named Sergio who has been in foster care for the past year. We wrapped them up and my kids drew him an adorable Christmas picture. Here’s to little Sergio, may your Christmas be merry and bright!!
Please keep up the good work, keep the comments coming and keep spreading joy & kindness this holiday season!!
Thanks for stopping by~
janet metzger says
OMGosh Terry!!!!
Whenever I drive to NY to visit family, I have to cross the Beacon/Newburgh bridge and I ALWAYS pay for the person behind me! I tell the toll taker to please ask the person to pass the act of kindness on. Often times the car rushes to catch up with me and I always get the biggest smile from them. I love doing that!
janet xox