Well, friends, we just finished moving the last of our boxes and furniture to the MCC house today, and we are dead dog tired, but WE DID IT! The four of us, plus my friends through thick and thin Carolyn and Kathie, moved about ten flipping tons of stuff. My back and feet may never forgive me!
Obviously, to downsize from 4000 to 1600sf requires some serious purging, and we’ve done a bunch of it. My husband will be taking a small truck out to Kansas with him this summer, and we do have a few family heirlooms in a 5 x 10′ storage unit (my mom’s piano and a few other pieces of her furniture), but we’ve made it all fit. I’m still amazed.
Since I’ve said goodbye to so many pieces that have made appearances on the blog, I thought I’d share with you some of the items that didn’t make the cut and have found happy new homes elsewhere.

There’s more, of course, that never made the blog: the foosball table, another dresser, and tons of little knick knacks, books, and clothes. I still haven’t cut my wardrobe down to the perfect “capsule wardrobe” but a girl can dream, right?
Don’t worry, there’s plenty of furniture left, I promise. It’s fun to mix things up every once in awhile, anyway. Thanks for stopping by~

Looking forward to the MCC house and how you put it all together.
I am sure it was bittersweet saying goodbye to so many pieces your worked so hard on, but knowing they are going to good homes and others will get enjoyment out of them will help ease that. My sweet 97 year old neighbor and I were visiting together yesterday (she is such a blessing in my life especially after losing my MIL), and she has a huge collection of all kinds of antiques. Lots of figurines and glassware. She said to me that she hopes all will go to good homes, but she isn’t sad about it as she had so much fun over the years collecting it with her late husband and that’s what is important. She gifts me things when I visit which is so sweet. I had told her I had brought home some milk glass from my MIL’s and she insisted she add to my collection. I did also learn after going through my MIL’s home of 60 years what we really found to be important. It’s helped me let go of things in our home for sure!!
I was looking for the items on craiglist and unable to find armoire. Is it still for sale>
So encouraging! A few weeks ago, we moved from a 1700 sq. ft. home in the suburbs of SC to a 700 sq. ft. apartment in chicago. I purged and sold quite a bit before the move, but am finding that we still have more cleaning out to do. We have a closet and a corner of the new place that is lined with items that I thought I could squeeze in, but it’s not going to happen. If you can part with these gorgeous pieces, by golly I can, too.
Purging like this is not easy…at least it hasn’t always been for me. From a 4 BR house, to 2 BR apts and now a 1 BR is drastic! 🙂 You do find out what is most important though. I think out of all these items the aqua and white loveseat would be the most difficult. Of course, I haven’t lived with any of the pieces either. 🙂
I can only imagine how tired you must be! I hope you’ll take a bit of time off and rest…your body will appreciate it!
P.S. Not sure if I told you, my surgery has been postponed. I’ve been so very ill the past 2 weeks & still not over it. I do believe I’ve coughed up one lung!
Happy that you are all moved with the help of your friends! So nice that some of your beautiful pieces found great new homes…I think you could start your own moving service with all of the experience you have! Wishing you Good times in your sweet cottage!