If you’re like me, sometimes you wonder how projects hold up over time. Remember in late 2011, when I decided to paint my dark ceramic tile kitchen backsplash with white paint on a whim? My reasoning was that it was going to be torn down and replaced anyway, so why not try to paint it first? I had nothing to lose, after all. It’s been almost 18 months since then, and I’m happy to report that it still looks great and I still love the look.
The photo below was taken today, and the backsplash still looks terrific.
If you haven’t read the saga of my kitchen redo, Part 1 is {here} and Part 2 is {here}. If you’ve been following for awhile, then you know that the finished product caught the eye of Bonnie Broten, editor at Better Homes & Gardens Kitchen + Bath Makeovers, and the kitchen was photographed for the Spring 2013 issue. I announced that big news when I showed you my pantry redo {here}. By the way, the magazine is due out on newsstands literally any day now, so keep an eye open for it!
When I finished part 1 of my kitchen redo, the tile backsplash was its original brown/tan color. Here’s how it looked:
It was okay, but not great. Our previous home, in North Carolina {here}, had white subway tile in the kitchen, which I loved. I planned to take this tile down and put that up, but then I decided to paint it first, just in case I liked it and could save myself some time. I’m so glad I decided to give it a try!
Here’s the after, part 2!
I talked about the process in Part 2 of my kitchen post, and here’s the section about painting the tile:
“After I painted the walls, I turned to the backsplash. I read up on painting tile, and decided that I really had nothing to lose, because I was already planning on taking the backsplash down. Why not try to paint it first and see if I could save time and money? The brown of the tile really clashed with my countertops–they have some brown in them but they’re really more gray. The warm and the cool tones right next to each other really bothered me (my husband thought I was nuts about that, although he admits that he likes the result).
First, I scrubbed the tiles really well. TSP works great, and I also used rubbing alcohol to degrease the tiles. Next, I had to wait a day or two before priming to let the grout dry (I HATE to wait to start a project!). I tried to sand the tiles but they were too hard to really get roughed up by the sandpaper, so I was sure to use a primer for glossy surfaces that specifically mentioned ceramic tile (Zinsser Bulls-Eye 123; although sometimes I use their oil based primer in the gold can, too). I primed with one coat, and then applied two coats of gloss oil-based paint. I bought a quart of Behr from Home Depot, tinted to match White Dove at half strength. I used a brush to prime and paint–you really have to work a bit to get the paint into the grout and a roller just wasn’t cutting it (If you’re using an oil-based paint, you must use a China bristle brush–this is my favorite). Plus, I have some decorative tiles that needed extra attention. While I think I should add a clear coat at some point, I’m really happy with how it’s turned out, and I’ve been able to wipe splatters off without removing any paint.”

Here are a few more “after” shots, taken today.
I have NOT put a clear coat on top of the oil-based paint, and I haven’t needed to. I chipped a tiny piece of paint away when a silver platter hit it, but I filled that in with some extra paint and it covered it beautifully. To clean it, I just used a damp sponge, although if I have a lot of splatters I use a spray cleaner (I make my own; see my favorite recipes here) and the abrasive side of the sponge. Splatters and grease wipe away easily and the oil-based paint is incredibly durable.
{Click HERE to read more about how we DIY’ed this kitchen, and HERE to see how I made the window valance}
UPDATE: July 2017: The backsplash still looks great! I did have to patch one small area that chipped when it got hit (hard) with a utensil, but other than that, it’s in perfect shape.
The bottom line is that if you want to paint your tile, then I think it’s an incredibly fast, easy, and inexpensive way to change things up a bit. Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for stopping by!
That looks great!
It looks wonderful in white! It really makes the flower motif standout.
I love it! The back splash is beautiful and I love the faucet too!
Hi Christy!
Your backsplash looks so clean and pretty..I love the white. Thank you for telling us how you did it..I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of new-looking backsplashes
in blogland..I didn’t know you could paint ceramic tiles! What an instant upgrade for a kitchen.
Thanks again,
Kelli Girsch – buybabydeals.com
You never know until you try! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Love, love, love. I was going back and forth about painting our tile backsplash, I’m for sure doing it now.
On another note, where did you get your curtains for the sliding glass doors?
Thanks, Christie. Yes, definitely paint it–it’s such an easy fix. The curtains are canvas painter’s dropcloths, believe it or not. I wrote about them in this post: https://www.11magnolialane.com/2011/12/28/kitchen-redo-reveal-part-2/
Thanks for stopping by!
Please keep us updated about when you decide to take the tile down! I want to know if the painted tiles will make the eventual demo any more difficult.
Will do, Jennie!
Did you treat the grout any differently when you painted it? Or did you just paint over the grout the same as the tile? Also, primer, or no primer? Thanks!
Hi, Laura–
Here’s the paragraph from the post that should answer your questions:
First, I scrubbed the tiles really well. TSP works great, and I also used rubbing alcohol to degrease the tiles. Next, I had to wait a day or two before priming to let the grout dry (I HATE to wait to start a project!). I tried to sand the tiles but they were too hard to really get roughed up by the sandpaper, so I was sure to use a primer for glossy surfaces that specifically mentioned ceramic tile (Zinsser Bulls-Eye 123; although sometimes I use their oil based primer in the gold can, too). I primed with one coat, and then applied two coats of oil-based paint. I bought a quart of Behr from Home Depot, tinted to match White Dove at half strength. I used a brush to prime and paint–you really have to work a bit to get the paint into the grout and a roller just wasn’t cutting it. Plus, I have some decorative tiles that needed extra attention. While I think I should add a clear coat at some point, I’m really happy with how it’s turned out, and I’ve been able to wipe splatters off without removing any paint.”
The grout was treated exactly the same as the tile.
Thanks for stopping by!
I read your article on painting ceramic tiles. I only want to paint a few. What type of clear coat do you suggest?
Charlett–I would ask the guys at the paint store, because their recommendations might vary based on whether you use a latex or oil based paint. Minwax and most other brands make a clear coat polyurethane that would probably work best. If you read the article, though, you know that I did NOT use a clear coat over my (oil-based) paint, and it’s held up perfectly. Good luck!
I did a similar project but in my bathroom shower using a paint specifically for tiles in wet areas. I purchased the paint from refinishingonline.com and used the ceramic tile paint to trim out and cover an ugly bull nose tile from gray to white outlining my tiled surround. The paint is waterproof and looks great.
Good to know for wet applications like showers, Kelly. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Kelly,
Is the paint you used for wet areas glossy? Can you tell me what it was, please?
Thanks so much for this information.. I have been searching for the correct way to paint my old seafoam green tiles. I am not clear on ” one qt from Home Depot tinted 1/2 strength ? Drying time between coats? I am so anxious to try this method. Again thank you so much for posting this information. Doris
Doris–The half strength simply refers to the color I used. That’s a trick you can use when you like a color but don’t want it to be quite so bright. Since my cabinets were White Dove, I asked them to use the same color recipe but make it half strength. The computer at the paint store does it all. You could easily buy a can of white oil-based paint off the shelf and go for it (ask them to shake it for you, though).
I think I waited a day in between coats, but that’s just because I was also getting ready to host Thanksgiving dinner at my house and had lots of other things to do. The paint can will tell you the minimum time you need to wait.
Good luck with your painting!
I am planning on painting my existing ceramic tiles but would like to keep the grout a different color than the color I paint the tiles…any ideas or advice on this?
Whitney,that actually sounds pretty tricky. Normally you’d tape off the grout, but it’s such a thin line that your tape will be too thick. I think you’re going to need to use a small brush and just paint the tiles very slowly and carefully. Good luck!
Love your Kitchen!!! What is the paint color on the walls???
Thanks, Tenile! The walls are Waynesboro Taupe by BM. Here’s the post where I talk about painting the kitchen, if you want more info: https://www.11magnolialane.com/2011/12/28/kitchen-redo-reveal-part-2/
Christy, my kitchen has glossy white ceramic tile back splash and I would like to paint it a different color. I am thinking of painting the walls in the kitchen. Can I use the same paint to paint the tiles or do I need a different kind of paint? You mentioned oil based paint. Are there separate paints to use over ceramics or any oil based paint is okay?
Betty–I just used “regular” high–gloss oil based paint for my tiles, but you wouldn’t want to use that on your walls. Walls should be painted with latex paint (I prefer a flat finish, even in kitchens and bathrooms). Oil-based paint is usually only used on trim and doors. I hope that helps!
I love an eggshell finish – it’s easier to clean.
Really beautiful, Christy. I am going to do this on our kitchen island topped with old and dreary ceramic tiles. Thanks for the inspiration!
I think you’ll be more than pleased with the outcome, Simon. Good luck!
Good job, I love it! I just bought a new home and the backsplash REALLY clashes with the granite countertops. I would like to paint the backsplash, but my family keeps trying to talk me out of it. The fear is that it will just look BAD. But, now that I’ve seen your results, I think you’ve given me the motivation to push through and do it! My one question is about the brush you used; what is a special one? Do any brush strokes show on your tiles after drying? Thanks!
Good point. I’d also like to know about the best type of brush to use.
Cindy (and Simon)–for an oil-based paint, you’ll want to use a high quality China bristle brush. The folks in the paint department can help you choose one. It will have to be cleaned with mineral spirits when you’re done, but if you clean and store it properly it will last you for years. Oil-based paint is a bit harder to work with, but it’s much more durable, which is why I chose it for this project. Also, I feel like the paint “settles” better and leaves fewer brush strokes than latex. If you dislike your backsplash to the point where you want to tear it down (like me), then you have nothing to lose by painting it first! I hope that helps!
Christy you are right about the brush strokes. Latex is much worse when it comes to that. Oil based just ‘settles’ but if you are trying to ‘fill voids’ then you want latex first and THEN put oil over it. That works great too. I was even thinking that doing a plaster cast tile (not even fired) would work with this process and would show a relief pattern (like fleur de lis, etc.) without buying expensive tiles that are fully fired. That is, if you were doing them more for decoration instead of function. All you’d need is a mold of the design you want to throw in with other cheap rough type tiles and then ‘paint away’!!!
Great ideas, Maria–thanks!
What youve done is amazing!!
Thanks, RaShelle!
This looks SO good. I put tumbled marble tile in a home almost 10 years ago now. We sold the house this spring and moved across the country but I LOVE this look so much I’m thinking of buying some old tiles with relief on them that I like and actually DOING this to them!!!! Oil based paint is nearly indestructible and this look is absolutely gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing.
Let us know how it turns out, Maria!
I have been wanting to paint the apricot colored tiles in my bathroom. Would this application work or should I use a paint specifically designed for ceramic tile, considering the amount of water hitting them every day?
I can’t really say, Kathy, since I kind of just picked up a paintbrush and went for it, and I’ve never painted bathroom tile. If this is a shower you’re talking about, though, you’d probably want something specific to ceramic tile. And if it’s the floor, make sure that whatever you use won’t be super-slippery when it gets wet. Don’t forget that your grout would have to be completely dry before you painted, too, so you’d have to stop using the bathroom for a couple of days before you paint. Good luck!
Thanks for posting your project. I am considering painting my backsplash and just happened on this post today. I love how you gave an ‘update’ on how you like the progress after living with is so many months. You’ve given good painting suggestions and it’s all making me less hesitant to be creative and try something new.
I’m so glad it helped you. When I decided to take the plunge and paint mine, there really wasn’t anything out there that told me how it would look after time passed, so I figured there was a need for this sort of update. Good luck with your project!
Looks great! I have awful “hunter green” tile in our kitchen that I just can’t stand. Ours is caulked at the bottom; was yours? Just wondering if I should remove the caulk first, paint and then recaulk? Thoughts?
Kenny–Ours was caulked, and I did not remove it; just painted right over it. I’m sure either way would work fine, though.
You have totally inspired me!!! Our bathroom has horrid tiny, multicolored tiles over halfway up the walls. I was considering ripping it out and wainscoting in its place. I do believe I will try this out first. Thanks for sharing your method and experience!!
I’m glad I inspired you, Nancy. I figure you have nothing to lose but a little bit of time and elbow grease. Good luck!
I am in the process right now of painting my backsplash and was so glad to stumble across your post. What kind of finish did you use Gloss? Semi Gloss? I am going to try the BM Advanced it is supposed to work and go on like and Oil Base but clean up like a latex. Thanks
I used Gloss, Andrea, but I’m sure either would look nice. You can’t go wrong with BM paints; I used their Satin Impervo on my cabinets and it’s holding up beautifully almost two years later. Good luck!
Christy, I want to pain the tile in my shower do you think an oil base paint and primer will work?
Margie–I haven’t had any experience with that, so I just don’t know. You’ll want to be especially careful if it’s on the floor; I don’t know how slippery the painted surface would be when wet. Let us know how it turns out if you try it. The way I decide is that if I’m going to replace it anyway, I might as well give it a try first!
You mention TSP…?
I’m not exactly sure what the question is…yes, TSP is great for cleaning and de-greasing. I used soap and rubbing alcohol for this project simply because I was out of TSP. It worked just fine. Hope that helps!
Hi – the painted tiles look so great! Does it matter what color the original tiles are? We have black granite with black tiles and a decorative trim tile. We intend to rip it all out in a couple of years, but don’t think I can live with all that black! Will the black tiles get covered with no issue? Thank you!!
Elizabeth, I’ve only painted this one backsplash, so I can’t give you a definite answer. However, just like you can paint over any dark color on a wall, given enough coats, I’m sure you can also paint over dark tile with a lighter color. It just might take you several coats to get full coverage. Primer will be extra important in that case to avoid any peeling. Good luck!
Thanks so much!
Thanks bunches!!!! ~ I have been contemplating painting mine as well for quite some time now. I’m going to do it 🙂
How long ago did you buy the paint for this? I went to Home Depot and they said they don’t carry oil based paint.
Thank you!
Sarah, it was in November 2011. You might try Benjamin Moore, Sherwin-Williams, or one of the other professional paint stores.
Do you think there is a way to just do the grout. We have a tan back spash with blue grout. The tan tiles are in good condition, just wish the grout was a light beige or white. If we cleaned the grout and greased the tiles, do you think we could wipe off the paint that gets on the tiles?? Any thoughts.
Pamela–they actually make grout stain. It’s a special order at the big-box hardware stores. I have stained white grout to a dark gray before (on my kitchen floor in a previous house) but I’m sure they also have white. It’s water-based and easy to wipe off if you get some on the tiles. I think water-based (latex) paint would work in a pinch, too. Good luck!
You said your backsplash was ceramic, how do you think it would do over glass mosaic tile?
I think it would do just fine with a coat of primer and a couple of coats of paint, like I used. If you’re planning on removing what you have anyway, then you’ve got nothing to lose by painting it. If you do it, please come back and let me know how it worked out–your information will probably help someone else in the future. Thanks and good luck!
I am SO going to try this! I HATE my backsplash! It’s the ugliest tile you’ve ever seen! ANYTHING would be better! 🙂
Good luck–I’ll bet it turns out great!
I’m so glad that I found this blog. I have the same color issues. I purchased new granite countertops last year, and even though the colors are in the granite, the brownish tile just seem to make everything drab. I have all white appliances, so I have just found my weekend project…thank you!
Your tiles look fantastic. I’m in Australia and have never heard of latex paint, only oil based and acrylic.
Do you know if acrylic is latex ? I’ve not seen Zinser, but noticed a very limited range of Rustoleum, in aerosol cans, at our hardware store. Would that be okay as an undercoat or a primer, do you think?
I’m glad you wrote and that you found us! It’s hard for me to know for sure, but I would choose oil-based paint if you have it available. And have the folks at the paint store recommend a good primer that works under oil-based paint before you start. I think I’d avoid spray paint on a backsplash because you don’t want any overspray on your cabinets. Good luck!
Oops, it’s Zizanie, not six anime!
Sounds like a plan, Christie. I shall let you know when I have done it.
I couldn’t resist commenting. Perfectly written!
Hi Christy,
I am encouraged to see your post and admire your courage to start and complete a project like this. I am in the process of installing a backsplash. I like a lot of color and cannot locate any accent tile that is primary colors. Want to paint the 2×2 accent tiles and want to know what type of paint to use and the process.
Thanks thanks.
Hello, my kitchen is covered in ugly blue and yellow tile, on the backsplash, walls, and counters. Do you think that the paint would be durable enough for countertops?
I think it’s worth a try. An enamel paint covered with clearcoat would probably be quite durable. You might have also seen that Rust-Oleum is now selling a product that is specifically designed for countertops. My thought is that if I hate the way something looks and want to replace it, then I have nothing to lose by trying a less expensive solution first.
Good luck, and let me know how it turns out!
Wow, I really like the painted tile! I would absolutely love to have something like that in my kitchen as well, especially if I can pick out a design. I wonder how much it would cost to ask for a custom design. There’s a specific style I have in mind, and I don’t know if I would be able to find it anywhere!
Great post.
We just bought a beautiful house that my son refers to as the Barbie house. The kitchen is pink on pink. Even the stove is pink. Everything is in such great shape that I can’t see tearing things out but I definitely want to break up the pink a bit as it is overwhelming. Maybe painting one row of the pink tiles something else might help!
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I will try this tomorrow. Have basic bathroom tiles in white in the kitchen, going to go with a royal blue to compliment the light blue walls.
I followed your instructions, used Rustoleum oil based in Royal Blue. It turned out beautifully and SHINY! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your knowledge. My advice, follow OP tips and just DO IT! Make your home your own.
Thank you. This post helped me tremendously. I am painting my cabinets right now a beautiful gray and the subway tile is a bit too creamy. I wanted to be white white. I am sure that this will look great and happy to know it has worked out for you and has stood the test of time.
Thanks for sharing ! Do you know if this method works on mixed tile? Where you have decorative pieces mixed with glass and stone?
I’m afraid I’ve never tried it on those surfaces, Leigh. I wish I could be more help!
I have a question I hope you could help me with. I have a ugly tile countertop…yuck! Backsplash to, but I will paint as you did. How can I cover up this tile countertop? Thank you for any advise.
I have a ugly back splash and counter top also. I tore out the backsplash…very easy to do, unlike the counters. someone mentioned to me Kwik leveler to level the grout with the tiles. I am going back and forth in my mind what to do with the countertop. I don’t like the colors of the Rustoleum kits…however Giani makes a White diamond that is beautiful.
So if I do what you did…it will stick to my tiles? they are shiny ceramic. I have tried to sand them…still glossy. I should tear out the countertop but im to old….hahaa.
Just wondering could the same paint used for the back splash also be used for the bathroom cabinet?
Oil-based paint is my top choice for kitchen or bathroom cabinets, Regina. If you’d like to read about what I used to paint my own kitchen cabinets, you can visit this post: https://www.11magnolialane.com/2011/12/04/kitchen-redo-reveal-from-darkness-to-light/. Amy painted her cabinets, also, and that post is here: https://www.11magnolialane.com/2015/08/14/how-to-paint-your-kitchen-cabinets-tips-tricks-for-a-smooth-finish/
Thanks for writing–
Hi Christy,
Could you explain to me what the following means? Does this mean you brought it home and added paint thinner? Please be very specific. Also, did you lightly sand between coats?
“I bought a quart of Behr from Home Depot, tinted to match White Dove at half strength. ”
p.s. My spouse wants to know if you want to come over and do ours. lol
No problem! “Tinted half strength” refers to the color, not the consistency. Half strength means they cut the tinting formula in half so the color is lighter, not an exact match. The person at the paint counter will know what it means, but depending on your colors, you might not even need to do it.
I did not sand between coats. I used an oil-based gloss paint by Behr (at Home Depot); just tell the paint person that’s what you need and they can help you.
Good luck with your project!
I’ve updated my Kitchen with granite countertops & stainless steel fridge & dishwasher. I still need to do something with the black range hood. Did you have to take down the range hood to paint it? Did you hand paint the stainless steel paint on it? My ceramic tile back splash is mostly white with decorative tiles through out & a trim all the way around it. I’m going to paint them now after reading your post. What type of clearcoat would you put on it if you did do it?
I have white tile with a row of hunter green. If I were to paint the tiles, do I paint all of them or just paint over the hunter green ones?
I would do all of them, because it will be virtually impossible to match the exact shade of white unless you have a spare to take in to the paint store!
Hope that helps–
Oh my gosh! So inspiring. Our new kitchen has 50’s yellow tile everywhere. We are totally giving this a shot! Thank you thank you.
Using this method did you have to ventilate? Is it highy smelly? Did you wear a mask or anything?
When I went to home depot and asked in the paint department they suggested a “gripper” primer and a typical wall paint. Any thoughts on that suggestion? TIA
Hey, Erin–
I was using oil-based products, and they’re definitely smellier than latex or water-based, but I did not need to ventilate (just opened the windows). The products I used were basically a gripper primer and a typical wall paint (gloss), so they gave you good advice!
Hope that helps,
Thank you. I’ve inherited a much too dark kitchen backsplash and can’t redo it for awhile. This will save my sanity!
I have tumbled marble backsplash. Some of the tiles have been handpainted by a professional painter with fruit motif. WHat can I use to remove the paint, if anything!
Hey, Michele-
I would experiment with different solvents to see what removes the paint without harming the marble. Paint thinner, or stripper combined with a razor blade might be your best bet. And never underestimate the power of a Magic Eraser–those work great! Hope that helps, Christy
Hi Christy,
I was wondering if i could use that same method to paint my counter top, being they are the same as my back splaSH?IF I CAN I WOULD HAVE TO PUT A SEALER DOWN,RIGHT?I WAS WONDERING IF IT WOULD BE TOXIC OR NOT?
Hi, Karen–That’s a good question for the folks at the paint store. I’m sure they can recommend a non-toxic, water-based sealer for areas that need to be food safe. If they can’t, then you might take a look at the prepackaged Countertop Transformations kits that Rust-Oleum sells. They’re designed specifically for painting your countertop!
Hope that helps!
Hi Christy – I suddenly had a brainstorm about painting my backsplash and headed to the internet and found your blog! I can’t tell you how excited I am about painting my ugly tiles which are a combination of beige and trimmed with black. I am going to do exactly what you said even down to the color. I noticed that you posted this back in 2013 and was curious to know now in 2017 how they have held up. I also have the same color cabinets as you said you had before painted and was curious about how they are holding up as well. Some of my friends had painted their cabinets white and now they are chipping which I thought would happen to mine. When we moved in 5 years ago the house was only 5 years old and everything was good quality just not my taste! And my husband did not agree at the time we were putting in under cabinet lights to just rip out the backsplash.
Hey, Joanne–
Thanks so much for writing! The backsplash is holding up very well; I was just down there at the end of June to get our new tenants moved in and it looks just as good as it did when I painted it. The cabinets are doing great, too. I used Benjamin Moore’s Satin Impervo oil-based paint and that made a huge difference, I think. Chipping usually happens with latex-based paints. The White Dove has yellowed a tiny bit as oil based paints often do, but to me that’s preferable to chipping!
I hope that helps–please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Where did you get the lovely kitchen hanging lamps ? Thx
Nice job on that kitchen
hi Kristy is I’m sitting here waiting for the first coat of paint to dry I ran across your post about painting ceramic tile the funny part about it is my tan my tan my tile is also Brown and light brown and I’m painting the kitchen the same color medium grey I think your idea is great I might have just to have to give it a try
Has anyone tried painting an accent tile on the floor. I have random burgundy squares on my entry floor. I think I would like to pain them Black, but wondered how the foot traffic would affect them. Any thoughts?
You might want to use a gripper primer and a clear coat when you’re finished, so it would hold up to wear and tear. Let us know if you give it a try!
I love this!! I really want to paint my backsplash, but the grout lines are huge! Do you think it will still work?
I don’t see why not! Remember, you could also try doing the grout lines a different color, or taping them off and not painting them, too. Good luck!
I love your redo! Are you willing to give input to me about color before I start painting my tile? I have just finished painting my kitchen walls and near done repainting the cabinets but I worry the exisitng back splash clashes with the tones of the cabinates and walls but my husbands thinks it is ok.
This is our first real home and I want to make it our own but don’t want to ruin anything! I am so bad a picking colors and would love your advice.
Hi … regarding your post concerning paining tile backsplash in your kitchen, i have the same issue as I think our backsplash is the same tile LOL my countertop, however, is a medium g ray corian and my cabinets are stained medium cherry. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to come up with a shade that would blend the countertop and the cabinets. any ideas? thanks – just found your blog and it’s beautiful!
Love your blog want to paint my kitchen back splash (ceramic tile with dull finish) I have worked with oil paints years ago & still dislike them does it have to be oil based to cover properly? Thanks Cheryl
Hey, Cheryl–
This is going to be one of those “non-answers,” so I apologize in advance! I’ve only done the one backsplash and used oil-based paint, so I can’t say if other paints will work definitively, but I have to imagine that they will. The EPA has been phasing out oil/enamel paint over the past few years and there are so many more water-based alternatives than there were when I did this project. Your best bet is to go into the paint store and talk to them about it; the folks behind those counters have great advice to offer!
I hope that helps at least a little bit–if you have success with another paint, please let me know so I can share it in the post.
Thank you!
Do you have suggestions for how to do individual tiles? My backsplash is white, but has fruit and vegetable tiles interspersed. I’d like to cover the fruits and veggies with a solid color, not the whole backsplash.
Sounds like your best bet is to use a very small brush and lots of painter’s tape to cover the grout. And hopefully you have a very steady hand.
Good luck!
I have a few imprinted of fruit in my tile. How would you make those imprints not show through the new paint?
That’s a tough one! If they’re actually carved into the tile, you might try filling them with a plastic sparkle and then testing them with paint so see if you get smooth coverage. Worst case scenario you’ll be replacing the backsplash anyway and that’s not a terribly difficult DIY job. Good luck!
Thank you so much for posting the one year later update! I want to update, and frugal/budget/easy/time involved are always considerations for a project. I don’t want to do and redo, so knowing this is lasting is VERY helpful!
I’m so glad it was helpful. We sold this house back in 2018 and the backsplash still looked great at that point. Good luck with your project!
Thanks for writing this great article for us. I have gained good stuff from this website. Looking forward to your next article. I am happy to share this post to my friends. Keep it u
Hi, I *think* I have that exact same model kitchen sink, do you happen to know the make and model number?
My cold water won’t turn off. I think I need to replace the cartridge stem.
I need help taking it apart and if I knew the make, maybe I could find a helpful YouTube video.
Thank you!!
I’m so sorry for the delay in replying. Our comment volume is pretty large.
We moved away from this house back in 2013 so I’m afraid that I can’t help with the sink’s make and model. You’ve probably already learned that if you need to replace a cartridge that it’s a faucet issue. I’ve found that replacement cartridges can be hard to find and many times it’s easier and less expensive just to replace the faucet, in which case you just need to buy one with the correct number of holes to match the sink.
By now you’ve probably completed your project so I hope it went well for you!Best,Christy