**UPDATE: By popular request, you can purchase this monogram in our Etsy shop {here}**
I’ve been working on random decorating projects around our house over the holiday weekend. We’ve been here in Savannah for almost six weeks, and we’ve made such progress. Or, rather, I’ve made such progress–hubby bowed out after about a week to go overseas (something about fighting a war). He’ll come back to a completely different house, without a box in sight!
Our master bathroom isn’t ready to show you yet, but I did come up with something today that I wanted you to see. We have a GIANT mirror above the double vanity, and since it’s military quarters, I can’t pull it down and hang two nice mirrors instead. At some point, I’ll probably trim it out, but today I was just trying to figure out a quick way to break up the vast expanse of mirror. So here’s what I did–I monogrammed it!
I absolutely subscribe to the theory that you can, and should, monogram everything. Maybe it’s a Southern thing? My daughter is ten and won’t wear monogrammed clothes anymore, but I had so much fun when she was little!
I already had this monogram cut out and in my craft closet (I have a Silhouette craft cutter). Last year I made a giant monogram for over the bed in our old house, and this was one of the too-small cast offs. The “B” is 12″ high, and if you have a yen to cut your own (or order one), the font is Monogram KK.
All I did was clean the mirror off, center and level the monogram, and rub it on. I’m really pleased with how it turned out! And when it’s time to move, it just peels off (read about removing vinyl here).
Here I am, photo-bombing my very own picture:
I wish all decorating projects were so fast and easy! So, how do you break up that giant expanse of mirror?
I love this. I have been looking into monogrammed bathroom mirrors as well, personalizing them for my wife and I. Yours looks fantastic!
Thanks, Patrick! Glad you like it!
Fantastic idea! I could do this in my bathroom. Since I don’t have a silhouette craft cutter, can this be purchased somewhere?
This is so cute! I’m deffinently doing this. thank you for sharing. I love your phone case! Where is it from?
I bought it from a seller on Etsy, Molly. Thanks!