Here is a bit of what’s been going on with the other two of us while Christy’s been covering 11 Magnolia Lane over the last two weeks! She did a great job, of course 🙂 She is now in the midst of preparing to move, and winding up the school year, so I told her I would jump back in and give everyone all the news.
First of all, we are SO proud to share our newest resident of Magnolia Lane. Last week Terry and her family welcomed this sweet bundle of joy to their family. I have been lucky enough to spend time with him and can attest he will just melt your heart!
Gorgeous photo by Courtney Anderson Photography. He is in his beautiful nursery, see the whole room HERE.
And, we’ve completed our move! Well, at least as far as we are able to reside in our home, but we still have boxes everywhere. We really jumped back in our new area with kids’ activities, school events, sporting events and of course, that new baby pictured above to visit 🙂 so unpacking has taken a backseat.
Our new home is very different from our former lakefront home near the beach. We traded the water view for space, space and more space. Just having a basement for storage the kids to play in is so nice, not to mention all this closet space 🙂 I will be sure to show off more of the house once I get it more presentable, but for now here is a bit of a sneak peak via my phone.
{the dining room}
While we waited for our belongings to arrive, I had a few days in the empty house to make some adaptions so it would match our current cooler, light color scheme. Much of this home is decorated in warmer tones like yellow, mustard, moss green and burgundy.
{the family room}
We discovered the other day that the stripes on the fireplace wall are not what they seem–wallpaper–but actually painted on the wall. I need to find out the scoop on that from the owner, it’s just amazing to me someone could paint perfect stripes on a two-story wall.
{the front hall}
{the screened porch–I have BIG plans for this space!}
I did have a few projects right at the top of my list. First off, my oldest son is moving into the room that was a former office. I tackled removing the flowered wallpaper border, as it is not really my son’s taste. I’ll do a post on that shortly, I learned a lot of what to do and not do removing wallpaper. Here is the room previously, it was an easy fix and after the border came down, the beige walls work perfectly for a preteen boy.
I also painted the master bedroom. It was formerly dark minty green, and our bedding and accessories didn’t really match. I have been obsessed with the Sherwin Williams color ‘Blue Diamond’ since I saw it in my brother in law’s beach condo last winter. Its the perfect palest blue, with just hints of gray, and couldn’t wait to use it in my bedroom. Had I not just painted my old master bedroom, I would have redone it immediately to that color after our visit.
Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned with the color, it came out WAY more blue then I expected. Here is the repainted room, and while I like it, its obviously not the ‘palest’ blue out there. I am not sure if its the dark green behind {but I used paint with primer?} or perhaps I incorrectly remembered the color and got something else similar instead, or maybe the color was off from being mixed at Home Depot? {Thoughts?} Anyway, lesson learned but I will just live with it–or repaint the room again down the road!
I am off to go unpack, but thanks for stopping by!
Jola says
What a sweet little guy <3
shirley@housepitality designs says
Love that photo of the baby!!!!…Congrats on the baby and the new home!!!
julie marshall says
I’m thinking the paint color mishap is the lighting. There have been many times when I have been in a model home or some ones home and LOVED the paint color. Get the paint and bring it home and it looks completely different in my house. I personally think choosing the right paint colors is a gift some people have.
Mar says
I recently found your blog and can’t stop reading the achieves. All the homes are beautiful and your blog is a wonderful example of a blog well done. I started blogging this year and have a long way to go, especially with the technical aspects of blogging. I will continue to read and be inspired.