Today our holiday home inspiration continues and we have three beautiful homes on our tour, and all three are simply gorgeous!
Our first guest is Julie from Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss. Julie is one of our nearest and dearest blog friends, and her home is lovely. Julie brings light to all who encounter her, and her home at the holidays is no exception, you can see her tour here.
Our next guest is Becky from This is Happiness, who is sharing her beautifully decorated holiday home. Her style is simple yet festive; I love how she gives an updated look to her traditional holiday decor, see her tour HERE.
Our final home is truly special, you won’t want to miss this one. Our guest Cyndy from The Creativity Exchange decorated her neighbor’s home for the CASA home tour (if you aren’t familiar, CASA is an amazing organization that advocates for neglected or abused children) and both the decor, and the home they decorated, are simply breathtaking. You can see the tour HERE.
A special thank you to Lynch Creek Farms for sponsoring our tour and providing all the beautiful greenery showcased throughout the homes. Here is the entire tour schedule if you missed any homes.

Off to visits these lovely, lovely homes!!! Thanks Amy!