I wanted to share another one of our “oldies but goodies,” from the archives here at 11 Magnolia Lane. Mother’s Day is on May 12th this year, so it’s time to get your acts together! This printable quote that Amy designed would look gorgeous in a thrift store frame, and would be perfect for your mom! Thanks for stopping by–Christy

Helen Keller Quote
Mother’s Day always seems to sneak up on me, its always SO busy the first week of May. I thought I would offer a little help to all of you in the same position. I have loved this small sign my Mother has had in her house for years. I decided to re-create it and post it as a quick printable. So, all you need to do is just print it (I use light colored scrapbook paper) and slide into a pretty frame.

Helen Keller free printable quote
To me, this quote exemplifies the true meaning of “Motherhood.”
Click here {helen keller quote} for a printable. (This is sized for a 5×7″ frame)
Thanks for stopping by!
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