I am making progress in our new house and today am showing off the Breakfast Room off our Kitchen. This is currently my favorite space in the house and pretty much where you can find me day-in, day-out. Despite having an office upstairs (albeit one that needs work), I find myself camped out at this table all day long working on either blog or work-related things, then we clear it off for meals, homework etc. so the room is very much-used and well-loved space.
A major selling point in our new house was the three-level sunroom on the back. The upstairs sunroom is off our master bedroom and where my home office is {I am working on that space as well, projects…projects…}. This room is on the main-level off our kitchen. Our kitchen has an extended island, which is great for cooking but leaves the sunroom as the only space for our table. I had originally hoped to use this area as a sitting or “keeping” room {if you want to be formal about it!} but our table had to go in here, there just isn’t space elsewhere.
Here is how the room looked when we moved in.
The first change we made was to remove the red Roman Shades, since they aren’t our current decor style. That left us with a neutral space, but the windows looked too bare, and with winter coming, we knew we’d need more to cover them. So, Roman shades were practical in addition to appeasing my need to decorate!
I knew I wanted texture, but also something very neutral since we’re still working out the overall kitchen remodel. I found the perfect blinds from FUA Window Coverings {HERE}; the style is “Copan”.
They make such a difference in the room, I am in love with how they finished everything off. And, I installed them myself–it was SO easy, they sent everything I needed–simple brackets that went inside the window frames and the shades just slide right in.
I mentioned in my last post about my grandmother’s quirky taste in furniture {she liked to paint things too!}. This is her kitchen table and when we inherited it, it was painted bright green. It’s a solid, well-built oak table she probably purchased sometime in the early 1960’s, my husband affectionately calls it the “bomb-shelter” but I love it, though more so now that it is white.
Our chairs came from a set I purchased off Craig’s List last summer when I decided I needed caned chairs. Below shows where they started before some chalk paint and new seat covers.
They also are circa 1960’s, but they are solid and well-made. I just updated the seats with some easy-to-recover drop cloth since we still have food spills and, most recently, an unfortunate purple paint incident {you can actually see it on the edge of the chair–life with an artistic Kindergartener!}. I’d love skirted slips for them at some point when a cushion has a chance of surviving around here longer than a few months.
On the side of the room, I am using the bottom of my painted Kitchen Hutch. Unfortunately there is no way to use the whole piece anywhere in the kitchen without blocking the windows. At some point I will replace the cabinet with something similar so I can use the entire hutch elsewhere in the house, but in the meantime extra storage is always a good thing.
It’s rare that this corner chair is unoccupied. We love this spot for coffee in the morning, my kid’s read here in the afternoon, and my husband hangs out here while we have our ‘divide and conquer’ conversations about our daily plans for shuffling three kids through activities. We’ll eventually add a second chair on the other side of the cabinet, currently that space is filled with a less then pleasing-to-the-eye dog crate for our Labrador, Lucy. She can stay, but I keep telling my husband it’s time to find the large metal crate a new home!
We’re still working through the rest of the space. I do plan to add curtains on either end of the large windows, but am just so thrilled to have the shades up I am in no rush. The rest of our kitchen remodel is coming together in my head, and the space will be painted at that point but I still have some issues with lighting and cabinets to figure out. That makeover will hopefully begin after the Holidays, so in the meantime we love having this side of the space settled and done.
If you need new window shades I can’t say enough good things about working with FUA Window Coverings, and they are made in America (right in Texas by a family-owned business) and that means a lot to me.
{Update: Click HERE to see how we painted this room my favorite color}
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{FUA Window Coverings graciously provided the shades to me but the opinions I expressed are truly my own, they are AMAZING to work with!}
Krystine @ www.KrystineEdwards.com says
This turned out so lovely and bright!!! Great job!
Diane Blackwell says
I’m so glad to know about the shade source. I chose a medium brown but now wished I would have used an off-white.