Welcome to September! Fall is in the air and football is back on the TV. I haven’t pulled out my pumpkins yet–we’re making a deliberate effort to go back to a “normal” calendar here instead of a Christmas-in-July calendar–but I’m starting to think about it!

Copper is always a great metal to work into fall decor; this is a table that I set a few years ago in our Mint Chocolate Chip house. And for another twist on the same copper theme, here’s a table that Amy created.

I also pulled out my Moscow mule mugs from last season (our favorite Moscow Mule recipe is here).

I’ll list all the sources at the end of the post, but definitely take a look at those darling covered pumpkin soup bowls. Aren’t they so cute? I love that they’re the palest blue, too, instead of orange.

Here’s an unobstructed view of the beautiful platter that served as my starting point for the decorations; believe it or not, it’s melamine!

I hope you enjoyed a quick taste of fall!

Round brown and blue center platter, Moscow mule mugs, found copper fairy lights, small white faux pumpkins, white plates, small white bowls, brown napkins, pale blue pumpkin soup bowls, two-tiered copper and silver stand : HomeGoods
Round pedestal table (vintage; similar here)
Silverware (vintage)
Oversized wine glasses (here)
Thanks for stopping by!

Where did you get the small white bowls with the dots on them? Love those!
They’re from HomeGoods, Debbie! I think they were four for $5.99.
Hope that helps–