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Nothing is more satisfying than a charbroiled burger during the summer months! My husband and kids love a juicy burger, but I personally need to mix it up to make it a bit more healthy. These turkey burgers are delicious and satisfying. The feta cheese topping seems indulgent yet is full of good healthy fats that satisfy any appetite. Feel free to skip the bun (pictured below) to ensure you avoid an insulin rush- I promise you will not miss the bread after one bite of “my big fat (but good fat) Greek burger” 🙂

Greek Turkey Burger with Feta and Pepperoncini Cream Cheese Topping
Greek Turkey Burgers Ingredients
- 2 lbs ground turkey
- 1 egg
- 1/2 panko bread crumbs
- 1/2 finely diced red onion
- 6oz feta cheese
- 4 oz cream cheese
- 1/4 plain Greek yogurt
- 6-8 pepperoncinis
- 1 chopped scallion
- 1 lemon, zested
- salt & pepper to taste
- In a food processor combine the feta cheese, cream cheese and yogurt until smooth.
- Add in peperoncinis, scallion, zest and salt & pepper. Pulse until coarsely chopped.
- In a medium bowl combine the ground turkey, red onion, egg, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Let sit for a few minutes to ensure all ingredients are well combined.
- Form 6-8 patties and grill medium low for 6 minutes
- Flip burgers and place the cream cheese mixture on top of cooked side. Let burgers cook and the cheese melt for another 4 minutes.
- Serve with cucumber salad, tomato slices and kalamata olives

Cucumber, Dill and Red Onion Salad
Cucumber, Dill and Red Onion Salad
- 1 English cucumber (sliced very thin, use a mandoline)
- 1 red onion, finely sliced
- 3 T fresh dill
- 3 T rice vinegar
- 1/2 T sugar
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- sea salt & pepper to taste
- Slice cucumber and onion using a mandolin.
- Whisk sugar, vinegar and olive oil in a large mixing bowl. Toss in the onion, cucumber and herbs, coating well.
- Refrigerate for 1/2 hour and enjoy alongside the Greek Turkey Burger!

Greek Turkey Burger and Cucumber, Dill and Red Onion Salad
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